~mothman and the angel~ Dib x reader

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Your POV

I was at my childhood friends house for the night because my parents were working late. So of course, since he was my crush, I got excited. His name is Dib and he has a sister named Gaz. We get along pretty well and Dib's father is at work almost all the time so this was going to be even more nerve racking than normal...

At Dib's house...

I looked at the ceiling and stared into space. I felt tears fall down my face. My eyes hurt from me not sleeping for two days but, I couldn't help it. Suddenly, Dib walked in and looked at me. "Hey Y/n, Are you okay?" Dib asked. I looked at him and nodded. Dib closed the door behind him and sat on the edge of my bed next to me. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Dib asked. "Just... my eyes hurting... I haven't slept in a while." I say sitting up and laughing it off. Dib grabbed my hand and held it. "Don't lie! I can tell something else is bothering you!" Dib says, clearly concerned. "I.. I'm fine... I don't understand what the big deal is..." I mumble. Dib pulls me closer to him and he hugs me. "You're my best friend, that's why. I'm supposed to care!" Dib says. "I'm hurting... . Everything on my body hurts..." I say before breaking down into sobs and tears. Dib hugs me tighter and shushes me. "It's okay... why didn't you tell me sooner?" Dib asked. I hugged him back finally and sobbed in his t shirt. "I didn't want to sound weak." I stutter out. Dib looks at me. "You are not weak. It doesn't make you weak if you ask for help.." Dib said wiping my tears away. I smile and my shaky hands died down. "Thank you Dib... your the best..." I stutter again. Dib smiles and chuckles. "No problem. Now-" Dib was interrupted by the sound of Gaz opening the door. "Mysterious Mysteries is on... why aren't you out here?" She asked. "I was helping Y/n. They're in pain and I was talking to them." Dib answers. I nod in agreement. "Oh. Okay well, it's still on for both of you." Gaz says walking out. Dib gets up, still holding my hand. We walked downstairs and plop on the couch and watch the show.

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