A not so quiet day at the Walter Manor

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When the 3 Robots returned home from their performance at Balboa Park, they were greeted by a very angry looking Peter Walter standing at the door step, still wearing his pyjamas. Hatchworth and The Spine looked at Rabbit, and Rabbit looked at the floor, without asking the robots he could guess who he was going to blame.

After a few minutes of staring at Rabbit, Peter finally said to her “what on earth made you think it would be funny to hide all the Walter workers clothes. They all had to go to work today in their Pyjamas! Spine found this very amusing and tried hard not to smile. Rabbit slowly lifted up her head and said “i-iii thought it would be a funny prank, I didn’t mean to annoy anyone, I’m sorry Peter”. In the last year Peter was getting pretty sick of Rabbits pranks and jokes, she seemed to come up with new ways to wind up everyone in the Walter Manor every day.

Peter slowly walked back to his labotory and sat down at his desk, he started to wonder why Rabbit has to be so annoying, saying that, The Spine has his naughty moments too.

Last week when Peter decided to take the Robots shopping. The Spine decided to sit in one of the shopping trolleys while Rabbit was thought it would be funny to play hide and seek with peoples handbags, luckily for Peter, Hatchworth behaves for most of the time while he’s out in public. He loved them too much to deactivate them but he just wished they would behave more.
Peter decided he was going to try to Make all 3 robots sit down so that he could talk to them about their behaviour and try to teach them some manners.
He knew that this would be a lot of hard work.
And he was not sure how Hatchworth would react, Peter did not want to upset him because he had already had a traumatic past.
Peter took a deep breath, and went to go to talk to Rabbit and Spine because they are the influential troublemakers.
Peter had just had enough of their Pranks.

He knew he had to have a word with them before Hatchworth started doing those sort of pranks too.
When Peter finally found where the robots were hiding, he discovered that all Rabbit had covered the whole dining room of the Walter Manor in toilet roll.
Peter’s face turned very, very red. The robots had never seen him this angry before.
Spine was sitting in his chair reading a newspaper, while his jacket had toilet roll wrapper around his hat and jacket. On Spines jacket Rabbit had written “Mayor MC Toilet” in bright red lipstick.
While Hatchworth was quite unsure on what to do with the toilet roll, so he rapped it all around hat.
Rabbit looked the worst, she wrapped toilet roll around her hair and her dress, she was totally covered in toilet roll.
Peter was fuming at all 3 of them, but mainly Rabbit. He was lost for words, he took one deep breath and shouted at Rabbit “CLEAN UP THIS MESS RIGHT NOW, AND RETURN ALL THE WALTER WORKERS CLOTHES!”

Spine looked at Hatchworth, put down his paper and decided to go into the Hall of Wires while Peter calms down.

The Hall of Wires was The Spines favourite place to be, because it was so quiet, He liked spending time with Rabbit and Hatchworth, but they were pretty annoying. Spine spent hours every day just staring into a mirror hung in the very corner of the room next to QWERTY.

Spine just stood looking at the mirror, he tried to imagine what it would be like if he was a Human.

Becoming human was The Spines only desire, he wanted to feel proper emotions, be able to taste, smell and touch. The other robots never seemed too bother too much about not being human but The Spine did.

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