Phone Calls and Hair Pulling

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First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who read the first book in this series! Thank you!

Second, I'm dedicating this chapter to KawaiiDork because she made the cover but she's actually in a cover "company" or watever those r, called Under The Clouds Productions and their covers r pretty amazing!

Third and last, I wanna thank KB123456789 because she's freaking awesome. She's just really amazing and she's so sweet.

I love all of u boogles and let's go!!

Ariel's POV

It's been a week since Casper left. A week of pretending to like Rafe. A week of late at night phone calls and secretive texts.

"Hey babe." I murmured into the phone, walking into our clearing.

Hey. How's everything going?

"Awful. It sucks without you. Rafe wants to take me out on Saturday and I really don't want to go. I want you to take me out."

And I will the second I get home.

"How's the hunt going? Have you found any yet?"

Not yet. I'm so close though. I can feel it.

"Well, hurry up. I miss you."

I miss you too.

"Good. It means you'll work faster."

I'm working as fast as I can. I promise.

"How much longer?"

A little while but hopefully, not too long.

"Fine. Where are you now?"

Currently, I'm in Peru.

"Bring me some souvenirs."

I heard him chuckle before he replied. Sure thing, babe. Look, I've gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow, alright?

"Yeah. I'll be looking forward to it."

Me too. I'll see you soon.


Quinn's POV

I yawned as I stumbled into Alani's room, nearly blind. I absentmindedly bent down over the crib and picked her up before trying to figure out what had triggered her.

"Shh. Calm down, my love." I whispered, holding her tightly against my chest and rubbing her back. Her sobs only increased as she wiggled in my arms.

"What's wrong with her?" Jasmine muttered, peeking into the room.

"I don't know. She was getting so good." And she was. It had been two days with solid nine hours of sleep for all of us.

"Is she hungry?"

"No, I already tried."

"Maybe she wants you."

"If she did, she would've stopped crying by now." I pointed out, still bouncing her in my arms.

"Maybe she wants Dom."

I sighed and carried her out of the room, into mine. Dom was somewhat sleeping, his fatherly instincts keeping him slightly awake. I sat down on the bed next to him and gently nudged him to get him fully awake.

"She ok?" he mumbled, propping himself up on his elbows.

"I don't know. She won't stop." I handed her over to him and of course, she immediately stopped. "Ugh, such a daddy's girl."

"Yep. She's daddy's little princess." He kissed her tiny forehead, smiling down at her as she started to fall back asleep on his chest.

I rolled my eyes and stretched out, yawning again. I was just about to fall back asleep when a hand reached out and yanked on my hair.

"Ow! Dom, did you just pull my hair?" I asked, rubbing my head.

"What are you talking about, love? Go back to sleep."

"No. Something just pulled my hair. Was it you?"

"No. Why would I pull your hair?"

Alani suddenly giggled, even though she looked like she was sleeping.

"Did you pull mommy's hair?" I smiled, simply because she was too cute.

She peeked up at me with an innocent look and then hid her face in Dom's chest.

"Oh my God. She's been hanging out with Artie too much. That's it. He's not allowed to be alone with her anymore."

"Aw, I think it's cute. She likes your hair. I like it too." Dom reached up and played with a lock, tugging at it lightly.

"Oh yeah? Alani, don't you like daddy's hair too?" I teased, picking her up. She reached out and grabbed a nice handful on his hair before yanking on it.

"Ow! Where'd that come from?"

"Aw, I think it's cute. She likes your hair." I mocked, laughing.

He scoffed at me, showing he wasn't amused. He took Alani back, cuddling her to his chest.

I took one of his arms and wrapped it around my waist, resting my head on his chest next to Alani's. I reached one of my hands up and smiled as her little fingers wrapped around one of mine. I felt lips press to the top of my head and tilted my head back to look into Dom's eyes.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

Author's Note:

Awwwww!!!! I missed this story so much!!

Cute little sneaky Alani. That should be like, a username. CuteLittleSneakyAlani. Luv it.

Caspiel moments, for all those Caspiel fans. I've said Caspiel way too many times tonight. Caspiel, Caspiel, Caspiel!! Also, I changed the actor for Casper into Zac Efron. You guys can imagine him as whoever u want, of course, but I just think Zac's the closest thing to who I picture.

I ate a pickle tonight and realized just how bad the jarred(is that a word?) ones are compared to an actual pickle. I miss pickles. I used to wrap them up in paper towels and think I was so cool with my paper towel pickle. I'd be like, "I got my pickle, I got my pickle and it's wrapped in a paper towel and I look so cool!"  

Ahh, I'm rambling. What's new, right?

Anyway, I will see you boogles in my next chapter. BYEE!!

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