Chapter 24 it is time

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Note: chapter 22 is a deleted chapter 4 reason I just wanted to put in it was gonna go in chapter 19's place but I put that instead I didn't know if people like it so if you like to put it in the comments please so it's not confusing just telling you I hope you enjoy~

~ mikasa is on her ninth month~

~eren and mikasa or asleep cuddling of course~

~when eren got up~

~He got up and got some breakfast for his wife and two kids he got mika up and titan and got them ready for school and daycare without waking up his wife he took mika to school and Took Titan to Annie's and then came home to mikasa still asleep surprisingly~

~ he woke her up~

"Hey hey babe wake up"said eren
"Huh"said mikasa
"Hey baby"said eren
"Huh what time is it"said mikasa
"7:30am"Said eren
"WHAT"said mikasa
" don't worry I've already taken mika to school titan is over at Annie"Said eren
" wait do you have to go to work"Said mikasa
" for a little bit"said eren
"Oh ok"said mikasa
" that's why I did this"eren said as he put a tray of food on mikasa's lap
"Awww thank you babe"she said as she kisses eren
"Ok I go to go I'll be back at 10 i'm pretty sure call me if you need me okay"said eren
"Ok bye"said mikasa

~ later during the day mikasa started to have some pain~

~ she thought it was just normal cramping so she left it and it stopped but then it came back and then stopped and came back again~

~ I said is it got worse she knew it was contractions~

~ so she called Eren~

"Hey baby i'm leaving early Levi says I can finish so I'm coming home"Said eren
"Good"said mikasa
"Why "said eren
"I'm having contractions "Said mikasa
"WHAT I'm coming don't Panic" said eren

~eren came to his wife being very calm about the situation~

~ him on the other hand he was thinking all over the place~

~ they got in the car and for the first hour of the car trip and the hospital wait Eren was all over the place~

"Calm down eren"said mikasa
"Shut up I'm calm"Said eren
"Hmmmmm sure you are"said mikasa

~Levi rang Annie so she could pick up mika and bring titan~

~Levi and Annie and Armin with mika and titan come in the room~

"A a a a a mama"said titan
"Hehe"giggled mikasa

~then show up with food of course ~

"Mikasaaaaaaa"yelled Sasha
"Sasha"sad mikasa

~they were talking when the pain got worse and connie was Terrified he was about to go out of the room when ~

"Connie take mika and titan out "said Levi
"What why"said mika
"Because you and titan aren't allowed in the room when mummy has the baby"said mikasa
"Oh ok"said mika

~Connie took titan and mika out and Levi came out as well~

~just like when she had mika. She wasn't screaming or moaning just holding eren hand~

~eren was abit braver then when she had mika this time he garb his new baby girl and did freeze in place. He cut the cord and they her and clean her and then eren wasn't expecting them to give katana to him. He walked over to mikasa and gave katana to her and mika and titan were able to come in and see there new baby sistor~

~titan is one years old i think because when mika is ten titan should be five and katana should be 3 and titan and katana should be two years apart and mika and titan should be 5 years apart~

"Awwwwww"said mika
"Baba baby"said titan
"Can I hold her?"asked mika
"No"said eren
"Sorry but no "said mikasa
"Why"said mika
"Because you can't yet"said eren

~later everyone got to hold mika's sister but her so she got mad~

"Mummy let me hold her"said mika
"No "said eren
"I wasn't asking you daddy"said mika
"No because you don't know how to hold her yet"said mikasa
"Grrrrrrrrrrrrr"growled mika
"Here I'll help her hold katana"said Lexi
"Ok be careful is will probably snatch her way"said mikasa
"I know"said Lexi

~Lexi told mika how to hold her and got to with help from Lexi ~

~eren was standing right behide her lucky~

~as mika when to go snatch katana away Lexi grab katana tight and eren grab mika arm~
"DON'T YOU TRY"Said eren
"But I want to hold her"said mika
"You did"said eren as he grab katana and give her back to mikasa
"No without anyone helping"said mika
"You can't until katana gets older"said eren
"Why?"asked mika
"Because she doesn't have strong bone and neck so she can get hurt really fast"said eren
"Oh"said mika

~Annie puts titan with katana and mikasa~

"Who's that"said titan
"That's your baby sister "said mikasa
"Sis sis"said titan
"Yes but baby sis sis"said mikasa
"Baby sis sis"said titan as he touches her
"Hmmmmmmmmm"said katana
"Hahahaha a a a a "said titan
"Her name is katana"said mikasa
"Kat Kat"said titan

~titan cuddles in to his mummy and sister~

"Hehe"giggled mikasa
"Awww you like her"said eren
"Ya"said titan
"Hehe good"said eren

~they are home now and katana is playing in her play area in her room when mika came running up to scared her and going to tackle her when eren walked in to it and yelled at mika~

"Playing tackle with her"said mika

~ then mikasa ran in to katana with a scratch and a bruise on her face she pick her up The the strange thing to Katana wasn't crying~

"As I was saying so she is only a month ol-

~katana started to laugh ~

"Aaaaa you are just like me baby"said mikasa
"Hahahahahahaha aaaaaaaaa"said katana
"you don't feel pain"Said mikasa
"Really "said eren
"Yeah she just like titan and me and that mean she a full blood Ackerman"said mikasa
"Oh so is mika off the ho-"
"No"said mikasa
"Huh"said eren
"If she can feel pain doesn't mean she can't get hurt"said mikasa
"Aaaaaaaaaa"screamed katana
"Heheh"giggled mikasa
"Like daddy was saying she only a month old so her bone are really weak and that means you can't tackle her like titan or daddy ok"said mikasa
"Ok"said mika
"I love you"said eren

~katana is now 3 months old~

~titan and mika were fighting as usual and eren was watching and katana was watching as well in her play area ~

~then katana started to cry because she was Hungry~

~eren pick her up ~

"What's wrong katana "said eren

~katana just kept crying~

~then mikasa came downstairs and grabbed katana~

~mikasa sat down and grab katana and started to breastfeed her~

~eren look over and then put his arm around mikasa and mikasa lead in to his touch ~

~until mika got hurt from titan biting her~

"Ow that fucking hurt titan"yelled mika
"Hey don't Cursed in front of katana"said eren
"Oooo good eren"said mikasa
"Huh"said eren
"Good correct mika for Swearing "said mikasa
"Oh"said eren
"But titan bit Me"said mika
"Did he"said eren
"Yeah"said mika
"Titan don't bit mika "said eren
"A a a a bit bit"said titan
"Or anyone "said mikasa
"Ok"said titan

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