A New Start

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Zan walks out of the Scavengers campsite after his argument with his mother. He goes into the rainforest, this being his first time alone, he was amazed and examined everything he saw. He went East, which he did not know at the time was the same direction as the Seekers camp. Zan travels for miles not getting tired. 
He saw a camp in the distance and spoke to himself, “Is this where humans live?” He had never seen a human village before. 

Raven and Ravanna were circling the camp as patrol. Ravanna had spotted Zan and could sense his energy as Demon’s son. Ravanna then sent a telepathic message to her sister.
“Raven we got a royal demon over here, I may need some backup”
Her eyes glowed crystal blue as she got the message “I’ll be right there” she ran through the camp making sure to not cause any trouble among the others. 
Raven got next to her sister and nodded at her, they immediately knew what to do. Raven and Ravanna went on the opposite sides of Zan about 20 feet away from him. They slowly  crept in on him. Zan sensed the two near him and felt threatened so he went into demon mode. The girls each had their rifles at ready and he now had black hair, horns, and completely blacked out eyes. 
Raven aimed her rifle at him “What do you want, Scavenger?” she said in a hostile tone.
Zan’s voice was deeper than normal “I am not a Scavenger.” he stated as he looked to her.
“Bullshit! I can sense Demon all over you.” Ravanna said as she had her rifle trained on his back. 
He mumbled “Damnit” under his breath, “I was a Scavenger, but not by choice!”
Ravanna said to her sister telepathically “I don’t trust him.”
“Neither do I, I say we capture him quickly before he has the chance to tell them our location.”
Ravanna nods back to her twin. 
Raven uses her telekinesis to wrap an entire tree around him, making it look like steel being bent.
Zan turned back into his human form trying to show he meant no harm.
The girls walked over to him each grabbing one of his arms dragging him to a cell. After he was secured in the cell Ravanna ran to Saige’s tent to tell her about the new capture. Raven stood in front of the cell with her rifle in hand in case he tries anything. Zan watched Raven through the cell bars looking at every detail about her. The first thing he noticed was her magenta colored hair, then Zan noticed the scar on Raven’s cheek slightly covered by her hair. 
Raven then noticed how he was staring at her and asked “What the hell are you staring at, Verin?”
Zan smirked at her “I think it should be obvious what I’m looking at, Night.”
Raven rolled her eyes then looked over to see Ravanna and Saige coming toward them. 
Saige looked at Zan in the cell “So this is the infamous Zan Verin. I have to say, a lot less intimidating  than expected.”
“Well that’s only because I’m stuck in this cell, Galloton.” Zan glared at Saige as he said this.
“Well Verin if you tell me what you’re doing here then maybe I could let you out but I doubt it.” Saige said as she looked at him through the cell bars.
Zan glared at her, the iris of his eye changed to black rather than his normal blue-ish purple eyes. “Fine, I’m here because I left the Scavengers. I was tired of  being forced into a life I never chose. I wanted a new start.” He looked between the three women standing in front of him hoping they would believe him.  
Saige thought for a moment before telling him “Okay, you can be let out of this cell and will be able to stay in this camp.” 
“Really?! Thank yo-” Saige cut him off mid sentence “With an escort. You will stay with Raven for as long as you are here.”
Raven’s eyes widened and was about to object but stopped when Saige gave her a death stare with her pitch black eyes.
Zan grinned at Raven almost mockingly “Great! Now, would you mind letting me out?” 
Ravanna took the key to the cell and unlocked the door letting him out. Zan then stood next to Raven as she glared up at him, him being an entire foot taller than her. Saige and Ravanna looked at Zan in a way that told him that if he hurt Raven he wouldn’t last another minute before each of them left to return to their duties.

Raven walked to her tent with Zan on her heels like a puppy.
“Do you have to follow me that close?” Raven said as she turned and looked up at Zan.
“No but I know it bothers you so I’m going to.” He said as he grinned at her.
Raven rolled her eyes and mumbled “Asshole.”
Zan chuckled.
Raven went into the tent and pointed to the bed next to hers “That’s yours from now on.”
“Oh? I get the pleasure of sleeping in the same tent as you? That is wonderful indeed.” Zan said obviously flirting with her while smirking and standing close enough to Raven to feel her breathe.
Raven was looking up at him as he said this, she stepped back nervously and moved her hair to cover her face from where she could feel it turning red “Um, yeah, it’s great I guess. Stay here.” She said before rushing out the tent door to get a hold of herself. 
Zan grinned knowing the effect he had on her then laid down on his bed waiting for her to come back in. Raven peeked through the door at Zan laying down and decided to go in and sit on her own bed for a moment. 

Raven was talking to Vanya near the edge of the camp with Zan behind her. Zan looked at the two in front of him and noticed they weren’t paying him any attention. He took this split second to teleport away from them, leaving it to where no one knew where he was.
Vanya looked behind Raven and noticed he was gone “Raven! Zan is gone!”
Raven turned around in a panic “What! No no no no. This can’t be happening, I have to go find him.” Raven ran toward her tent to grab her pistol.
Raven hurriedly went into her tent and grabbed her pistol before looking at anything else. After she had grabbed her pistol she scanned the room and saw it. It was Zan laying on her bed in only his boxers and a rose sticking out the side of his mouth. Raven saw this and turned almost completely red as she tried to speak but was too flustered to say even the smallest word. 
After a moment Raven pulled herself together enough to say “What in the hell are you doing in here like that?”
“What you don’t like it? I’m pretty sure you do based on your face right now.” Zan said as he stood up and walked to her.
“I um………. No I don’t like this.” Raven said partially lying.
Zan smirked and put his hand on the shelf right behind Raven, his face four inches away from hers “You’re lying Raven. You know you like what you see and I know you want a taste.”
Raven unintentionally bit her lip while looking at him, her knees had almost turned to jelly as he spoke. His voice was the perfect amount of deep, sexy, and powerful. 
Raven couldn’t hold it back any longer and kissed Zan wrapping her right arm around the back of his neck. Zan was a bit shocked at first then leaned into the kiss wrapping his free arm around her back. Zan had gotten more and more into the kiss as he started to undress her, piece by piece clothes came off. He couldn’t resist anymore he had picked her up still kissing her passionately, she bit his lip while kissing him as she wrapped her legs around him squeezing tightly as he got more into it, he walked over to the bed laying her down on it grinning “Are you sure you want this to happen.” he says in a sexy but questioning way. “I..I am!” she said hesitantly before grabbing his face and kissing him more, he held onto her sides gently as he was kissing her back as he gently slid it in. She tensed up at first then relaxed as she bit his lip without trying which only made him get more into it and feel something he’s never felt towards anyone before in his lifetime of being alive, the night then went on with passion. After the eventful hour had passed the two fell asleep cuddling in Raven’s bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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