Chapter 27: House Hunting

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(((I actually changed the name of their daughter from Katherine Jo Hughes to Joanna Katherine Hughes I added that to the story)))

Ella ||

"Okay, well be back soon," I say, planting a kiss on Jo and Dean's forehead. They sat in their play pen being watched over by the boys.

"We'll be here," Jerome waved. Mitch shut the door behind us.

"Alright, what house first?" I asked. Mitch spun on his heel and pointed down the street.

"Not too far, about a 5 minute walk from here," He shrugged.

"We are not walking, sorry hun," I tugged his arm and lurched toward the tiny blue car. "It could be a two minute drive in this baby,"

I sat in the drivers seat and backed the car out of the driveway. About two minutes later, we pulled into the driveway of a large light blue house. Getting out of the car, a women wearing a gray suit approached us waving.

"Hi, you must be Mr. and Mrs. Hughes. I'm Jodi," the small brunette woman announced. We shook hands and she lead us to the front door of the house. We wondered the house following closely behind our newly acquainted woman. Mitch began to strike up conversation with Jodi.

"So, what can you tell us about the old resident," Mitch asked.

"Well I'm obligated to tell you of any deaths in the last 3 years at the house," she began. I quickly glanced at Mitch. She saw the look on our faces and quickly started. "It's not anything bad, I mean it was a death, but."

"An old couple Grey and Helen Drayman lived here about 2 years ago, going on 3. Grey died of a heart attack in the front foyer. Helen moved to Florida right after the funeral and such," she said. We nodded and kept moving throughout the house. Weaving us in and out of different rooms through closets and bedrooms. Soon enough, we were right back in the kitchen.

"So how do you like it?" Jodi smiled. I looked at Mitch, he gave me a happy nod.

"It's nice, we really like it, but is there any other houses we could get a look at?" I asked, smiling.

"Of course," Jodi pulled out a pen and paper and began to jot something down. "Meet me here tomorrow, same time alright?"

We nodded and took the paper. Opening the car door, we waved goodbye to Jodi and drove off.

"It's nice, big enough, actually too big kind of," I began to think.

"Yeah, I mean for only two kids it's kinda big, but hey, they wouldn't get bored I guess," Mitch joked. I smiled as we pulled into our driveway. The door opened and Dean started running at us, Jo stayed behind. Dean was a little more advanced at walking and running than Jo. I picked up Dean, who began stumbling after the last step. Mitch started to growl and jog after Jo who crawled as fast as she could. He started tickling her. Her laughter filled the whole house. Pulling the two onto the couch, Jerome asked about the house. Mitch started to explain it when my phone started ringing. I handed Dean over to Jerome and left the room.

"Hello?" I beckoned.

"Hi, is this Ella Jameson?" a voice on the other line asked.

"Yes, this is her," I said.

"Well this is California Police Department contacting you on behalf your application as an assistant in forensic blood spatter analyst, we'd like to inform you that you have received the position. We ask if you can start tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.?" The voice asked. I was speechless. I got the job, I'm glad I stayed with forensics in college.

"Uh, yes of course. Of course," I tried to keep my excitement under the radar.

"Great, see you tomorrow Ella," the voice said, disconnecting. I hung up the beeping phone and ran out into the living room. Mitch was still describing the house when I began to jump up and down screaming.

"I got the job I got the job!" I yelled, Ian and the rest of the guys all stood at the top of the stairs staring down.

"What?" Mitch got up, placing Jo in her play area.

"I got the assistant forensic blood spatter analyst down at the police department," I yelled again. Mitch smiled and kissed me.

"When do you start?" he asked after all celebration ended.

"Tomorrow, 9 am," I said. "Aw, I gotta call Jodi and tell her I can't make it,"

"I'll go, take pictures. I won't give her a verdict until you see it." Mitch smiled. I nodded.

Finally, my life's coming together again.



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