Recognition of Self

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I believe there is a time in everyone's life where they see, for however short a time, how their life affects everyone around them. In this moment, a person realizes their net worth in context of the entire world, and they recognize themselves from a world view. They see themselves how the entire world sees them, impartially and comparatively with the rest of the world. This moment in a life reveals a person's being to themselves. In essence, they know themselves completely and entirely, for one brief moment. It is good that this is just one moment, so no one may be exposed to their true selves and suffer for it. No good can come from a perpetual knowledge of yourself, it is to have complete control over your entire being and your effect in this world. Actually, it is only the fact that the moment is here and then gone that makes it so powerful. For one brief portion of a person's life, they have a complete knowledge of themselves and the world. When this knowledge fades, a person tends to examine themselves and their lives. This act of self-examination has led to some of the greatest introspective moments in human history, such as Siddhartha's Enlightenment and Ashoka's conversion.

Note: If you don't recognize those last two things, use Wikipedia.

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