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Suga felt like his soul left his body.
He was so happy all day long. But now!

He let out a scream, but no voice came. He was HORRIFIED.

Jhope, who gets all scared everytime, screams hard by noticing Suga's expression.


Jhope scream got louder, Suga ran down to his brothers and hugged them tightly; so did Tae and Jimin. Jungkook also joined; but confused too...

The figure was standing at the top of the stairs and the boys at the foot.

They have never seen something this horrifying.
It didn't had a faceu, just blank.

Then it moved, now it felt that the creature has some facial features. It rubbed it's eye, sort of taking its skin.

Now they can see it's nostrils and also, a big mouth.

Jhope faints. Kookie wanted to laugh at Jhope but looks up at the figure and started to cry a bit. Suga was never this scared.

Jimin and Tae was hugging very tightly;

All five could die anytime with panic attack.

Just then the figure spoke;


It didn't felt like a ghost!

It started removing something white which covered its face, revealing a beautiful face.

It put all the white stuff from its face into a bowl.

And finally spoke,

"What are you five upto??"

In a strict, Mom-ish tone.

Kookie ran up and hugged it, calling, "Mommaa".

Suga, Jimin and Tae was confused.

"Yes! What did you all expect!! I'm your mom!" Namjoonie said by removing more whites from her face.

"What the HELL was that??" Suga asked.

"Facial kit! My face mask! Also I tell you DON'T USE BAD WORDS IN FRONT OF YOUR YOUNGER BROTHERS!!" Namjoonie scolded.

Jungkook smirked and said, "It was f*kuee.."

All of them was surprised.

"Look what you've done! Yoongi!! Kookie! No! Bad boys like Yoongi tells that! You should not!!" Namjoonie scolded Jungkook.

Suga sat at the sofa. Tae hugged his mom tightly.


"Hey! U dead!?!" Jimin asked by tapping on Hobi's faceu.

Hobi woke up; just as he saw Jimin's face, he smiled and looked at Namjoonie, then....., Screamed.

Jimin slapped at his face.

"Stop! That's mom!!" Jimin said after slapping his Hyung.

Hobi calmed down.

"What just happened?" Hobi asked.

The five boys looked at Namjoonie.

She gave out a sigh and started explaining, "Suga, I said that I would go to a parlour, but it was very crowded!"

~Flashback(3 hours ago)~

Namjoonie checks her watch. 1:30 pm

"Hmm.. pretty much time for a shopping. Also I should go to the beauty parlour." She said to herself.

She got up, changed and locked the front door.

After a 5 minute walk, she reached the parlour.

It was so much crowded. There was a long queue!!

"Why a queue?!?" She asked herself and then noticed a special offer board hung on the front.

She stood there for almost 2 hours. Still, can't enter.

She cursed under her breath and walked out.

"Nearly time for kids to come! Let me do the shopping. I'll go to parlour later.. " she hurried to a hypermarket.

She bought all the necessary groceries and then, just spotted the women's store section.

She entered and asked, "Can I get a face spa kit?"

½ an hour went by. She reached home.

"Okay!! Now! Where was that bowl??" She searches for the bowl.

At last finds it in the store room. She washes it and goes back to the store room where a big mirror was kept.

She took a chair and sat in front of that. She put all ingredients in the bowl and started applying her mask.

She heard a playful chat of her children downstairs. She thought, "oh! Reached? Dumbheads? Hahaha." She smiled to herself.

Suddenly,a big old junk fell down. She jumped up and then the result was, the whole bowl and mask on her face.

She got so annoyed. The thing fell with such a big noise. She kept it up once more, not even minding about the mask on her face.

Once more, it fell down. This time, more louder. She decided to tie it up with a rope and sees a rope nearby. Also an old knife.

She took the rope, long enough and tied it. But she should cut the end as the extra rope didn't had space there.

She took the knife to cut, but unfortunately, it was dull.

She searched the whole room quickly and found an iron bar. She decided to sharpen the knife. As she was sharpening, she hears a gasp and the door behind her opens, revealing none other than her first and cute son, Suga.

But, his face looked not so good. He was frightened.

But why?? I'm his mom....

He ran down and she went there, seeing all her children hugging each other, one screaming with no sound, one almost fainted, two of them hugging and closing mouth tightly, and the small one about to cry.

She removed the mask carefully and put it back to the bowl.

The children were more surprised.


"So, that's what happened...." Suga mumbled.

They all had a nice laugh.

But Jhope still in shock; but most cutest.

A/n from future : Idk WTF I even wrote back then

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A/n from future : Idk WTF I even wrote back then...

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