Learning stuff

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"So, what's it like here? What do you do besides taming dinosaurs?" Charlotte asks with a smirk.

"Okay don't like how that was said but we'll roll past that, mostly at the moment I've been working with my friend to build up our house and get some supplies to make life easier." You respond as you stretch after standing up.

"That's pretty responsible of you." She says with a smile. "Booooooring"

"Excuse me?" You ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Come oooon there's so many cute dino girls just waiting to be tamed, lets go out there and get a bunch!" She says excitedly nearly jumping on the spot.

You look down at her with an unimpressed look across your face.

"I am not attracted to dinosaurs."

"The way you used my throat says otherwise." She winks and wags her tail.

"If I had said no you'd probably ran away crying and I would've felt bad for the rest of the day" You respond as you rub your forehead.

"Master?" You hear a voice ask from the entryway.

You and Charlotte turn to see Danielle in the doorway looking confused with a handful of berries awkwardly held in her claws.

"Master? Hmm?" Charlotte asks with a large smirk.

You drop your head into your hands and rub your face.

"Welcome back Danielle." You respond.

"What dog lizard do here?" She asks confused.

"I'm his newest tame." Charlotte answers proudly.

The two lock eyes and stare at each other, both of them smiling.

"Friend!" They both shout.

Charlotte jumps up at Danielle who catches her in her arms and hugs her.

"We friends!" Danielle shouts happily.

You watch in utter bafflement at the two of them seemingly instantly getting along.

"Huh? Wait what? No anger or problems with that?" You ask completely bewildered by the situation.

"Why I be anger?" Danielle asks seemingly confused by your question.

"You leave and come home to see me with another girl" You point out to her, expecting her to understand what you mean and be upset.

"Yeah, of course, more friend more safe and happy!" Danielle responds happily.

"Fucking dinosaurs" You say with a sigh as you pinch the bridge of your nose.

"You sure did that twice" Charlotte jokes.

You grab one of the large leaves you have in your inventory, roll it up and bop her on the snout with it.

"Hey! What was that for!?" Charlotte asks with a sneeze.

"Keep being sexual and I'll build a box and put you in it until you calm down" You say as you bop her snout again.

Charlotte sneezes again and glares at you.

"Stop that!" She commands as she tries to slap your hand with her tail but can't quite reach it from her position.

Charlotte then pouts and puffs her cheeks out as she closes her eyes and looks away from you.

"Now that she's calmed down a little how about we get some work done?" You ask as you put the leaf back into your inventory.

Danielle lowers Charlotte to the floor before trying to salute again, Charlotte looks up at Danielle saluting and tries to do the same her foreleg coming up to her cheek.

"Right, so right now we need more food, we only really have berries and Danielle can't eat berries, we need to find some actual meat" You explain to the duo as you pull your axe out of your inventory.

"I know good hunt spot, it be fun hunt place" Danielle says proudly.

"Perfect, when we're all ready you can lead the way."

"What about me? I can hardly hunt another dinosaur, I'm slow and not very dangerous" Charlotte asks, pointing out her own flaws.

"True, you can stay here and pick berries and stock up on them until we get back" You answer as you point to an empty corner of the room. "You can store them all there for now"

"Why not in my own inventory? That way it doesn't take up room and I can eat them when I'm hungry" Charlotte asks.

"You guys have inventories too?" You ask surprised by this fact.

"Well yeah, you're not special besides what's between your legs ya know" Charlotte answers with puffed cheeks.

"How am I supposed to know you have inventories? I can hardly see them" You respond as you point your wrist with the kite shaped object in it.

"You literally can thoooooough, hold your hand out ya big dummy" Charlotte says as she point to your hand with a kite on it.

You hold it out in front of Charlotte's face, inches between your hand and her beak, her breathing can be felt against your palm, you then feel Charlotte quickly lick your palm.

"Heh got a lick" Charlotte says giggling.

You quickly pull out the leaf again and bop her on the snout again, causing her to sneeze loudly.

"Stoooooooop iiiiiiit! Waaaaaaah!" Charlotte shouts faux angrily.

"I was being serious" You respond with a sigh.

"So was I, you can see it, I just licked your hand before telling you, you do the same thing but instead of me licking your hand you make your hand into a fist and you can see stuff in a menu like your own" Charlotte explains.

"How do you even know this? You're a dinosaur" You ask amazed by what the little dino is telling you.

"I can see Danielle's inventory by putting my face near her chest and she can see mine, once again, you're not special mister" Charlotte answers with a grin on her face.

You hold your hand in front of Charlottes face and then make a fist, expecting another lick, you're pleasantly surprised when a blue window opens and you see her stats and her inventory.

"5 strength?" You ask with an unimpressed look.

"Hey! I'm a pretty little lady, I'm not meant to look strong! I'm the eye candy of the team" Charlotte answers with a pout.

"Riiiight, oh you already have a bunch of berries in your inventory" You say as you look through her inventory. "Hmm what's this?"

You press on the icon and it spawns in a small book made of leaves.

"Hey hey hey! No reading a girls diary!" Charlotte shouts as she bites your foot.

"Ow! Hey! Your beak is sharp be careful with that thing!" You shout as you hop on the spot grabbing your foot and wincing in pain.

"Well don't read a girls diary then!" Charlotte responds with a 'hmph' as she stores her diary away again.

ARK: A Different Survival. (Male Reader x Female Dinosaurs)Where stories live. Discover now