your a mudbloood and going to hogwarts, you letter came in when you where 16 so your going to 6th in hogwarts. your name is ~~~hazel green ~~~
your in slytherin but you don't like it since everyone calls you a mudblood. pansy parkinson bully's you. turns out you were adopted by ~~~~ and ~~~~~
as i'm boarding the train i see a blonde girl with a red head. i make my way over to them. "hello i'm hazel, do you mind if i sit here" i asked kindly. "ofc" they both say and laugh. "i'm new btw" you say. "oh i'm luna and this is ginny" they say. you become really good friends with them.
" hi you must be new" a girl says . she had brown frizzy hair and a joyful smile on her face. "uh um yes i am, i'm hazel green" you say smiling. "i'm hermione granger" she says. "your a mudblood right, because so am i" she says smiling, you nod at her question and some tall blonde boy shouts "great.. another mudblood, better not be in slytherin " he says and smirks. " your obsessed with mudblood aren't you" you say rolling your eyes and flipping him off
you turn to the girls who are shocked and they tell you that he is a "slytherin prince"
you roll your eyes and ginny tells you to change because we're about to arrive, you get up and change into your robes until you bumped into someone. "hello, i am really sorry" you say. "it's ok, i'm harry potter btw" he says holding out his hand. "i'm hazel green" you say shaking his hand. you noticed his scar and said "hey, i have that exact scar " you say lifting your sleeve. he smiles and says "brilliant " and walks away. your walking and bumped into the blondie. "watch out mudblood" he says. "damn i'm sorry" you say rolling your eyes. he walks past you and says "fuck off". "yes princess blondie" you say laughing.
he turns around and smirks at you. you go change and come out, your robes didn't have a house on it yet.
you went back and saw hermione talking to ginny and luna was reading....upside down.
you walk in and say "luna it's backwa-" but got cut off by ginny. "she reads it like that" she says smiling. "hm" is all you can say.