As soon as Jeno got in his room he threw his bag near the desk and himself on the bed. Another tiring rehearsal has been finished and Jeno couldn't even find the energy in himself to shower. He closed his eyes getting ready to sleep just like that not even caring that he still had his dance clothes on.
"Wow, at least one welcome would have been nice" Jeno shot his eyes open and saw the black haired boy sitting opposite his bed.
"Oh my god! Mark! I totally forgot you were coming today" Jeno got up from his bed, excitement of seeing the older making him forget about his tiredness.
"Yeah, I realized that" Mark went towards the younger hugging him in a brotherly way.
"Wow you've actually gotten taller"
"It's been three years you didn't expect me to be the same height, did you?"
"Wow it's been so long" When Mark was living in the neigbourhood he was hanging with Jaemin, Haechan and Jeno trio altogether but Jeno always had a special place in him. Jeno felt the same way towards the older. Those two were the first ones to meet with each other. They were both the only child of their families so they became each others brothers for the times they were together. In these three years they kept in touch but of course it wasn't same as being face to face.
"So how is it going?"
"Not much always the same drill. Wake up, go to school, leave school, go to dance, come home, sleep and then everything starts all over again"
"You've been living the same routine ever since you were a kid. How are you not bored of it dude?"
"I love dancing so it never becomes boring. There are always new routines, new moves to learn, unlimited amount of ways you can improve yourself. How can you get bored of it?" Mark admired the younger's passion for dance. Jeno knew what he wanted, how he wanted and he was fearlessly going for it.
"You're in your school's basketball team right? Do you get bored of it?"
"No but I'm not making my life revolve around it. I envy how dedicated you are" Mark ruffled the boys hair just like he used to three years ago. Both of them never realized how much they have missed each other until this moment.
It was a beautiful sunny Sunday and for the first time in forever Renjun didn't have any dance classes. In his old studio he would usually have at least one class even on Sundays. He loved dancing so it has never really been a problem for him but he had to admit having a proper late hour breakfast with his parents was great.
"How has the dance been going Renjun? Did you get use to your new teammates?" Renjun swallowed the piece in his mouth before answering his father.
"It's been going much better than I thought honestly. Everyone is really welcoming and the teachers are really nice too"
"It's great to hear. I was worried since you've never danced with a majority of new people before" Renjun smiled at his mother to show her that he was alright.
After a long breakfast with a lot of talks on each of theirs lives Renjun helped his mother with the dishes. Just as they were finished his phone shortly vibrated in his pocket showing he just got a message. He took it out and checked his screen. Before he got to read the message his phone started to vibrate because of a incoming call. He was surprised to see Jeno calling.
"Hey Jeno, what's up?"
"Hey Renjun, sorry for calling out of nowhere are you free?" Renjun looked at his mom showing her his phone. Once he received the nod from his mom he started walking towards his room.

Fanfiction~Can he ignore his past and see what's in front of him? >After the disaster, can he fall in love again? >You can find this story on ao3 with the same name<