Chapter 2: The Preparations

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It was nighttime. Master Chromius had summoned a meeting. Milan, Fisheus, and a few other Sendaris were in the meeting cave. Chromius was having Sendaria fortified and put on lockdown, allowing no one to leave for the kingdoms for any reason.

Sendaris: "I don't understand. Why can't we just use our Songs and weapons?"

Milan: "Because if you had fought them as I did, you'd know they have almost no effect."

Chromius: "We'll still need to be ready for war should they invade Sendaria."

Most of the Sendaris there agreed to take part in the war. Relatively similar meetings were happening in every clan. The masters were there, along with members of the clan. They all had the same notion.

In the newly constructed fortress of Darkmount, doors opened to reveal a mighty throne. Several sergeants, Sandrev and Varek stood on either side of a walkway to show respect to a figure walking through. His footsteps boomed through the hall as he approached the throne. He was tall, strong, imposing, had a large blaster attached to his right arm, and wore a battle helmet. They saluted him.

Drougs: "All hail Galvatron!"

He sat down on his throne which was outfitted in cushions and gemstones.

Galvatron: "Varek, how much land have we gained?"

Varek: "We've obtained much of the kingdom we are in right now but have not yet expanded to the important cities in others."

Galvatron: "Any setbacks?"

Varek: "None, my liege. The residents of this planet are weak. They come to battle with sticks."

Galvatron: "And the status of the indoctrinator?"

Varek: "Fully operational and currently preparing prisoners for battle."
Galvatron: "The fusion cannons?"

Varek: "Ready to launch per your command, Lord Galvatron."

Galvatron chuckled

Galvatron: "Excellent work. Sandrev, it is time to seek out your comrades in this world once again. Find them, and recruit them into the Droug army. Varek, accompany him."

Still silent, Sandrev nodded and went to find the remaining Zuldoris. Varek tagged along, as he had to speak for him.

Sandrev, Varek and Drougs arrived in Nestoria to find Flirian and the Zuldoris. Nestoria wasn't quite yet fortified, so killing two birds with one stone, they laid waste to the villages they passed through until they arrived in the Zuldoris territory. Sandrev approached first. The Zuldoris recognized him and asked him who he's with, to which Varek responded instead.

Varek: "Greetings Zuldoris, we come in peace. You have all been summoned to serve your one true master, Lord Galvatron, leader of the Droug."

The Zuldoris looked at each other, confused.

Varek: "I know you must have many questions. You were all a special division force planted here on this world to scout for any dangers or setbacks for us. Only Zalmatos and Sandrev know of this endeavor. Now, you are all requested to come back home. We can give you hope, if and only if you join us. Fight alongside your brethren in our quest to take this planet and many more, in honor of your fallen leader, Zalmatos. This is what he would've wanted."

Flirian: "No! That's not what he would've wanted. He gave me the responsibility to look after this clan, and sending them to who knows where is not in their best interest."

Varek: Scowls "If you decline this generous offer, nothing will happen. However, if you interfere with our endeavors we will not hesitate to terminate you for treason. Approach Sandrev when you are ready to leave."

The clan stayed put, indecisive, before a few Zuldoris approach him. Some were glad while others were cautious. Others stayed behind, loyal to Flirian. The clan was divided. Sandrev opened a portal for them and pointed to it, and the Zuldoris on his side proceeded to enter, marching one by one. Sandrev took one last look at Flirian, seemingly sad he won't join. Varek and Sandrev waited until all the recruits had passed, then went through themselves as the portal closed behind them.

The portal opened at Darkmount and Zuldoris flowed through. They stood idly, not knowing what to do. Sandrev and Varek arrived and kneeled. The rest caught on and did the same. Galvatron was in front of them, standing, arms behind his back.

Zuldoris: "We live to serve you, Lord Galvatron."

Galvatron nodded, pleased.

Galvatron: "Sandrev, have our recruits properly suited for the remainder of their stay here."

He nodded and led his brothers to the armory where they were fascinated by the technology now in their possession. Sandrev put on his helmet, covering his face entirely behind a black visor. The others were also decked out and ready for battle.

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