Chapter 15: The Ardoni Assault

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The scene opened a few days later back in the Droug citadel of Darkmount. Galvatron walked through the hallways with Sandrev by his side.

Galvatron: Frustrated "I made a mistake not indoctrinating that girl when I had the chance, a mistake I do not intend to make again! Shockwave's experiments are useless if the effects can be reversed so simply."

Drakos: Through the radio "Lord Galvatron, the troops have found something of possible use. We think you should see it for yourself."

Galvatron and Sandrev had arrived at the throne room by this time. Some Zuldoris and Drougs were in here.

Galvatron: "Sandrev, open a portal for our returning troops."

Sandrev nodded and did as he was told. A portal opened in front of them and Drakos walked through with a sergeant, two soldiers and a tranquilized creature.

Galvatron: "What have you found, Drakos? What species is this?"

Drakos: "We are unsure, my liege. But whatever it is it took the entire team to neutralize it. We lost eight soldiers."

One of the Zuldoris stepped back in fear upon recognizing the creature. Galvatron noticed.

Galvatron: "You there, can you identify this species?"

Zuldoris Soldier: Scared "That's a Jaggathan, Lord Galvatron. Savage beasts with astounding might. They evolve by...killing other species."

Galvatron: "Killing other species you say? Then it seems we have found a new science project for Shockwave. Soldiers, indoctrinate it. Perhaps this creature can be of use."

As the two soldiers walked towards the Jaggathan, its eyes jolted open, and threw one of them out of the building to his death. The other fell back and aimed its gun to fire. He was soon killed. Drakos had brought out his blaster and Sandrev unsheathed his dual plasma swords.

Galvatron: "Hold your fire!"

The Drougs looked at him as though he was out of his mind, but obeyed. The Jaggathan stood in front of Galvatron threateningly. Standing straight up, he was slightly taller than Galvatron, tall enough where Galvatron had to look up to face the creature.

Jaggathan: Agitated "Where have you brought me and what are you? You aren't native Ardonian species."

Galvatron: "No, we are not, but you will now serve the Drougs and kill for us. I hear you take pride in the hunt?"

Jaggathan: "Indeed I do, but I will not serve you. Your people attacked me and took me from my home. For this, I will tear each and everyone of you apart."

Galvatron: Taunting "Highly unlikely. For you see, I control you now. You are powerless against me, you weak, feeble creature."

This really angered the Jaggathan. He roared and punched Galvatron back. Galvatron slid to a stop and looked up, his blade extended, and went into a fighting position. The Jaggathan roared again and charged him with fury. Galvatron dodged and struck him twice with his blade, but on the third swing, the Jaggathan caught his arm and slammed him into a wall, followed by a grueling hit to his abdomen. He fell to the ground and supported himself with his blade. The Jaggathan threw one punch after another. The last hit sent him flying back, Galvatron tumbling on the floor. The other Drougs only watched, partially out of fear of being killed and from confidence that their leader would win. Galvatron got up and was met by the great beast throwing a punch. He caught it with one hand. He threw another, and caught it again. They both pushed each other with intense strength. Galvatron broke the tension with a mighty headbutt, discombobulating the Jaggathan. Seeing his chance, he landed another blow, and another, and another. The Jaggathan stumbled back, weak. Galvatron raised his fists and brought them both down on the Jaggathan's shoulders, instantly taking him to the floor. He laid at his feet, unconscious. Galvatron felt his mouth and saw a trickle of blood on his fingers.

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