Chapter 1

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Momo Yaoyorozu had pretty much everything an aspiring hero could want. She was rich, attending UA high school having been admitted via recommendations, and was currently top of her class in rankings. Still, life had been pretty hard on Momo recently. It had all started a while ago when her best friend Kyoka Jirou had finally worked up the courage to ask out her crush Denki Kaminari, and he had said yes. Normally, Momo would be over the roof with happiness for her best friend. After all, she had shown nothing but love and support when some of her other classmates had finally started getting into romantic relationships. However there was one little problem. Momo had had a crush on Jirou since the end of their first year at UA. Momo didn't know exactly when her feelings had first started to pop up, but she did know it was around time when the cultural festival had taken place. She could remember very vividly how she had worked very hard to perfect her keyboard skills before the festival in order to provide the best music possible to help Jirou shine during her performance. She also could remember how the day after the festival was over, she had wanted to spend some time with Jirou to congratulate her on how much of a hit "hero too" had been and maybe have a keyboard/guitar jamming session together, only to find that Jirou was already hanging out and having a jam sesh with Kaminari. While Kaminari and Jirou weren't dating yet, Jirou's feelings were pretty publicly known by at least a decent portion of 1-A. It took a bit of time, but shortly after class 1-A had become class 2-A Kaminari and Jirou had become a couple.

The end of the second year was approaching for class 2-A, and Momo knew she had to get Jirou off of her mind for at least a bit of time. Finals were coming up really soon, and she needed to devote all of her energy to studying. Being anything less then top of her class would not only make Momo a huge disappointment to her teachers and family, but to herself as well. That did not stop Momo from noticing when Kaminari and Jirou entered the classroom hand in hand. Momo felt sick to her stomach when Kaminari placed a kiss on Jirou's forehead before the two of them sat down in their assigned seats, which ever so happened to be next to each other, and started chatting with each other in a lovey-dovey sort of way. "No Momo, gotta focus. Finals are coming up, can't let Kyoka distract you," momo thought to herself as she returned to looking at the notes sprawled out on her desk. Thankfully for Momo, Kamninari and Jirou stopped their conversation when Mr.Aizawa entered the classroom.

"Good morning class," Mr.Aizawa said. "As you all know finals are coming up in a few weeks, so please make sure you are studying. Today, we are going to be heading to the gym for combat training with class B, but before that starts I need to make an announcement. To celebrate the end of the year the support and general studies courses have been working to put on a school dance that everyone at UA is invited to. It will be held here on campus the day after finals are over." Mr.Aizawa was about to continue talking when he noticed that Iida had his hand up, like always. "Yes, Iida?" he said with a groan, knowing how the blue haired boy could be with his questions.

"Sir, when you say "school dance" does that mean we're all going to be performing a dance together in the auditorium? Or will the other courses be performing one for us? Will it be open to the public? What is the purpose of this activity?" Iida said, while flailing his arms in the way that he always does when concerned or passionate about something.

"No Iida, a school dance is more like a party that the whole school attends. It's an American high school tradition that we've decided to bring here to UA. Basically, there will be music playing in the background while students dress up in nice attire and socialize with one another; usually this socializing involves dancing. It's recommended that you come with a date, as there will be several slow songs designed for couples to dance to."

As soon as dates were mentioned most of class A, especially the girls started to light up and get excited. Whispers surfaced throughout the class, ranging from discussions of who would go with who, students muttering to themselves with worry about not being able to find a date, and even a couple of students (Iida) mumbling about how romance could better improve their work as heroes.

"Alright class settle down, the dance isn't for three weeks so you'll have plenty of time to figure things out. Please try not to let the dance get in the way of the effort you will be needing to put into your studies in order to pass your final exams. In the meantime, we have about half an hour before we need to start getting ready to meet class B in the gyms, so take this time to study for the finals or do whatever, I don't care, just don't bother me until we have to leave" Aizawa said, rolling over into his yellow sleeping bag.

Momo began to look at her notes once more in hopes of getting just a little bit of studying in before she needed to change into her PE uniform, but that dream was short lived as she felt a tap on her shoulder. She swiveled around to see Mina behind her beaming with joy.

"Yaomomo come over here! We need to have a girls only chat!" She said, pointing toward where the rest of the class A girls were huddled together in a group. Momo was about to say no, as she (as well as the rest of the girls, in her opinion) really needed to prepare for finals, but changed her mind as she noticed Jirou was participating in the girl's discussion. "Alright, now that everyone is here I propose a girls only sleepover in my dorm room tonight! Mina exclaimed excitedly.

"Mina, no. Did you not hear Aizawa? Finals are coming up. We all need to study, especially seeing how low you're ranked in our class." Momo replied with an unamused expression on her face. \

"Are you serious Yaomomo? Finals aren't for another three weeks. I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to study this weekend." Momo was about to protest when Jirou piped up.

"Mina does have a point. I've got some cool new jams I'd love to show you guys."

"Oh, alright, fine." Momo said, her mind having suddenly been changed by the idea of Jirou getting to play some new music.

"Yay! Let's meet up at 6:30 in my dorm room. Does that work for everyone?" All of the girls nodded. "Alright then, I can't wait!" Mina said as the group disbanded to start getting ready for their class training. Jirou started to wander over to where Kaminari and his friends were hanging, and the two of them then locked hands and walked to the locker room together.

Momo sighed. This was going to be a long three weeks.

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