Chapter 3

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"Are you alright, Madame? I hate to interrupt you, but you've been crying at that cup of tea for the past ten minutes, mon ami."

Momo looked up. Standing behind her was class A's one and only flamboyant naval laser user. "I'm fine Aoyama, but thanks," Momo sniffled between tears.

"You certainly don't look alright! Shall I escort you to the offices of Recovery Girl?" Aoyama asked with a concern-filled expression. He didn't show it often, but he truly felt as if all members of class A were important friends to him. He'd hate to see any of his friends hurt.

"I don't think Recovery Girl can fix what's wrong unless..." Momo paused. She hadn't told a soul about her feelings for Jirou, but Aoyama didn't seem like the type of person to go spreading rumors. "Unless she can fix a broken heart."

"Je suis désolé, Yaoyorozu! Who could be so heartless as to hurt someone lovely as you?"

"It's not anyone's fault." Heavy tears once again started to stream down Momo's face. "I like someone and they don't like me back-"

"Ah, I see, a case of amour non réciproque! Unrequited love!" Aoyama said, cutting Momo off. "It's alright, I experienced something similar recently."

" did?" Momo said. The tears had stopped, and Momo now presented a puzzled expression.

"Yes. A while back I had feelings for a... certain green haired boy in our class. I tried my hardest at flirting but nothing worked. It seems to me that he and Uraraka share mutual feelings for eachother. Everyone I asked said that sadly, he is only interested in women." Aoyama's normally bright expression started to fade into a frown.

"What...what did you do? How did you get over it?" Momo asked with curiosity.

"Well I started flirting by placing cheese on the balcony near his dorm room, and used it to let him know that we had a lot in common-"

Momo began to laugh. "No offense, but I don't think cheese is the way to win Midoriya (or anyone for that matter) over. You should have given him an All Might toy or something."

"I know, but cheese is one of my favorite things. If a guy were to leave me cheese as a sign of affection, I'd be his boyfriend in a matter of seconds!" Aoyama exclaimed.

"Now, for how I got over it, I'm still not over Midoriya fully. But hearing him speak about Uraraka in a way that makes him so happy has helped a little."

Momo nodded, and began to take Aoyama's advice into consideration. Maybe if she heard Jirou speak about why she liked Kaminari then she might be able to feel happy for the couple instead of jealous.

"Now, what about you, madame? Who have you felt feelings for recently? Something tells me that it's Kyoka Jirou!"

Momo turned a deep shade of red. "How did you know?"

"I have my way of knowing things! Now, let us cry together as members of the lonely gays club!" Aoyama yelled out, and pulled Momo into a hug.

"Hey, is the lonely gays club for gays only or can bisexuals join? Kero."

Aoyama and Momo turned around to see Asui standing behind them. "Sorry for eavesdropping, but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, kero."

"Oh no your fine Asui, here, come sit with us," Momo said, scooting over on the couch.

"Call me Tsu," Asui sat down. "The rest of the girls sent me to come check up on you. You've been gone for almost half an hour and everyone was starting to get worried, but I can kinda see why you didn't wanna come back after hearing you and Aoyama talk, kero."

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