Part 2 ~The Test

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You climbed into your car in the clinic's parking lot, placing both hands on the steering wheel and freezing a moment, thoughts racing through your mind of what just happened ....

You let out a long slow breath as you processed the likelihood of you being .... Pregnant ?
You tried to remember when your last period was , but you were never good at these things . You weren't late !! Were you?? "Crap" you whispered to yourself and began rummaging through your handbag for your cellphone and opened your period app. The huge pink banner made your heart sink to the pit of your stomach. "~6 days late~" it read. It wasn't unusual for you to be 1 or 2 days late , but never 6!

Your shock slowly turned into annoyance at the fact that M could have been right and how he almost knew your body better than you did ! Then again, it's kind of his job so who can blame him , you chuckled to yourself.

After stopping by the pharmacy on your way home you walked into your house deep in thought and headed straight for the bathroom. You took the test and place the little stick on the basin, staring at the blank results.
Again, thoughts racing through your head at the potential of you being pregnant , of you and M being parents. You've discussed it jokingly before now but nothing serious ! You were both so focused on building your careers that it's never been focus , but now that it's a possibility ..... you were both nervous and excited at the same time ! You knew that M has always wanted kids .... A lot of them in fact and....

The timer startled you as it sounded the cue that would change your futures forever. You studied the little stick in your hand....
Two little pink lines were as clear as daylight
Your hand flew to your both as you gasped in excitement. You giggled with excitement as tears escaped and tan down your cheeks.

Now , you couldn't wait to tell M!!
You imagined your husband's excited smile over and over !! You immediately picked up your phone to phone him with the news. Before you pressed dial, you paused. You decided to tell him in a more exciting way and got to planning !

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