Friends to Enemies? (Chapter 1)

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It was a normal morning for Kageyama. He woke up at around 6am. The sun was shining slightly. Kageyama sits up and yawns. He looks at the time and quickly gets up and gets ready. He feels tired and exhausted. "Ugh why did I binge watch that show again" Kageyama says tiredly. He grabs his bags and toast. He puts his shoes on and heads out the door to see hinata waiting outside for him. Him and hinata have been dating for 2 and a half months now.

Hinata was always a morning person. He was very energetic and always had so much energy. Usually him and kags would race to school together but today was different. Kageyama looked tired and drowsy "oi Bakayama why you look so tired? Did you binge watch that show again?" Hinata asked. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. It's none of your business" Hinata rolled his eyes and continued to talk to the blue eyed boy. As they got closer to the gym, they walked in to see daichi, tsukishma, yamaguchi, nishinoya, and tanaka. *hmm I guess the others haven't came yet* kageyama thought as he quite put his stuff down. "Is the king tired? Aww" Tsukishma said sarcastically. "Oi fuck off saltyshima" Kageyama said. "Oop I the king us grumpy to" Tsukishma said smirking purposely trying to piss kageyama off. Hinata slightly giggled. "Tsukki that's mean" Yamaguchi said as he stands next to the tall French fry. "Shut up yamaguchi" Tsukishma said. "Gomen tsuki" Yamaguchi said.

Later in practice kageyama started to have a migraine and it got worse as practice when on. Kageyama was setting for hinata when hinata accidentally hits kageyama in the face with the ball. Kageyama falls to the floor unconscious. "KAGEYAMA" Everyone yelled. Sugawara runs to kageyamas side seeing if kageyama was ok. "Nice kill hinata" Nishinoya says while tanaka and nishinoya both laugh. "Shut yo both of you or extra laps." Daichi says.

Kageyama wakes up to see tsukishma on the phone with someone. "Yes I'll be home early... Ugh yes it will be all finished once you get home. Tsk whatever bye" Tsukishma hangs up the phone and turns to kageyama. "Looks like the king finally woke up" Tsukishma said. "Shut up. Why are you here anyway? " Kageyama asked the tall blonde. "Well I'm leaving early anyway so they made me watch over you until you woke up. " Tsukishma said. "Ugh why you. " Kageyama said rolling his eyes. "Look I don't want to be hear either but I have to stay here until the nurse comes back. " Well what do you wanna do now saltyshima " Kageyama asks looking up at him. He just now realised how cute his golden brown eyes were and how they shined in the light. Kageyama slightly blushed but it went away quickly. "To be honest I don't know and I don't really care. Whatever you wanna do I guess" Tsukishma said. Kageyama grinned. "How about a game of truth or dare. If you don't do the dare or answer the truth then you gotta tell me who's your crush" Kageyama said smirking at tsukishma. "What's in Utah for me? " Tsukishma asks "mmm 2 strawberry shortcakes after school" Kagehina said. Tsukishma rolled his eyes "ugh fine" Tsukishma said. They played for awhile when tsukishma asks "so king truth or dare" Tsuki said. "Truth" Kageyama said. "If you weren't dating hinata who else would you date in the team? " Kageyama eyes went wide when tsukishma asked that. "W-wait you know?!  How? I haven't told anyone. Ugh that blabbermouth" Kageyama said. "I'm not telling.. . " Kageyama said. Tsukishma grinned "well now you owe me 2 strawberry shortcakes" Tsukishma said. "Ugh whatever" Kageyama said

(That's all for part 1 of chapter 1. I hope you like it ❤❤ )

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