Im done..(Chapter 4)

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It was around 4am when tsukishma's phone started to vibrate. Kageyama woke up and seen 24 missed messages from the team. But one message started out from the rest.
*from Annoying ass*
*why is hinata text tsukishma? " Kageyama thought. "Babe." Kageyama said while Shaking him. "Whaaaat" Tsukishma said tiredly. "You have 26 missed messages from the team.. And one from hinata.. " Kageyama said in a sad tone.. "Wait why is hinata texting me?" Tsukishma said. "I don't know you tell me.. He seemed mad" Kageyama said cuddling up on tsukishma. "I really don't feel like talking to the team right now. " Tsukishma said holding kageyama close. "I get it but at least talk to yamaguchi. He is probably really worried. Trust me he is really sorry" Kageyama said looking up at tsukishma. "Fineeeee." Tsukishma said.

*7 missed messages from Yams*
-I'm really sorry for believing hinata over you. I should have known. I know you don't like violence. I just got so overwhelmed...
-please forgive me...
-I'll talk to you in the morning..
-night tsuki..


"I'll talk to yamaguchi in the morning.. " Tsukishma said. "Ok babe. I'm tired let's go back to sleep" Then they both fell asleep.
At practice kageyama and tsukishma walked in. Everyone was running up to tsukishma saying sorry. Then there was hinata. "I'm sorry ig" Hinata said annoyed. "I know your not sorry so I don't know why your even trying" Tsukishma said. "Aye tsukishma accept his apology" Sugawara said. "Why should I accept his apology. He made up lies about me, and before that he told me to break up with kageyama when he dragged me out of the gym. So ya no. " Tsukishma said. As practice went on hinata kept trying to spike a ball at tsukishma but he accidentally spiked it at kageyama again. "Oi wtf? What's your problem dude" Tsukishma said helping kageyama up.  "God my head hurts. " Kageyama said getting off the ground. "Ok that's it hinata your sitting out for today and tomorrow. " Daichi said. "Ughhhhh whatever" Hinata said sitting down on the bench. *ugh this stupid blonde just won't leaveee* hinata thought as he sat on the bench drinking his water. "Hey you ok? " Tsukishma said to kageyama. "Ya I'm fine thx" Kageyama. The crack head duo started whispering to each other. "Hey bro isn't tsukishma and kageyama a cute couple" Tanaka said to nishinoya. "Yea totally. Let's make kageyama jealous" Nishinoya said. After that incident they played until the end of practice.

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