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"Are you going home already?"  

"Not yet, I came here to give you something." 

"And what would that be?"

Akaashi took something out from his bag to reveal an old elegant pocket watch and simply handed it to you. 

"Wow, this looks so pretty! What's this for?" 

"I saw it in our home and decided to give it you since you like antiques. My parents said it was fine to give it to you." 

Akaashi stated as he just gently smiled at you. 

"Thank you, Akaashi!" 

You said as you gave him a bright smile in return. 

Akaashi smiled at you even more gently.

The next day...

Your class just got dismissed and you went to the usual place where you and Akaashi would meet to wait for him since both of you don't go to the same school. 

You even brought the pocket watch that Akaashi had given to you as you waited. 

You waited for Akaashi as the wind rustled and as the leaves flew through the air.

You waited for him for every second that was passing by.

For every second you always waited for him, you waited for him even if it got dark, you always waited for him and he always came. He always did and he'd do the same for you.

And up till this time you're always still waiting for him because you want to keep; 

talking to him, 

listening to him,

laughing with him,

seeing him,

and to keep waiting for him.

All you need to do is to wait for him. No matter how long it takes, you know he'll come. You just know it. 

You wanted to count every second with him so, you waited.

You waited right there.

You waited for him.

You waited for so long.

But he never came.

Waiting | Akaashi Keji x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now