chapter one

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beep. beep.

You woke up early in the morning from the beeping sounds of your alarm clock. You slowly rise up from your bed to sit up, as you did you shoved away your blanket that had been tucked on you.

beep. beep.

You faced your alarm clock as it kept beeping and you suddenly reached your hand out to off the alarm clock, when suddenly you hear a knock on your door. "(y/n), are you up already? Breakfast is ready! You shouldn't be late for class right?" your mother said as she started to open your room's door and peered inside. "Did you just wake up?" your mom asked as she let out a chuckle.

"Come on (y/n)! You need to have energy when you study, so you need a nutritious breakfast, alright?" your mom said with an enthusiasm tone. Your mom has always been supportive, including your father as well. Both of them care deeply for you, so they always want what's best for you.

"I'll have to make my bed first mother." you said as you slowly stood away from your bed to off the alarm and directly grabbed your blanket to fold it. "Alright, make it quick though." you're mother insisted as she closed your room's door.

After you made your bed you started heading to the dining room downstairs. "Good morning (y/n)." your father greeted you while he continued watching his favourite show on the living room. "Good morning." you greeted your father back as you sat on a chair and ate your bacon and eggs.


After you ate your breakfast you headed upstairs to your bathroom so you could fix yourself and get ready for school. As you went inside the bathroom you took a quick bath, brushed your teeth and wore your uniform. You just transferred to Fukurōdani Academy for your second year and its been about 2 weeks since you've been a student there. You've made acquaintances at your class section, but you haven't eventually made actual friends yet. You thought that after some time, there would be people who would become your friend and you just had to wait for it to come and happen.

After you finished grooming yourself in the bathroom and got changed into your uniform. You headed back to your room to snatch your bag from your desk and directly leave your room to head for school. "Mother, father, I'll get going now." you slightly yelled since you were upstairs and you were just about to come downstairs. After you closed the door of your room you quickly went down through the staircase and headed for the door's exit, but before you left the house you decided to check the time on your pocket watch. You opened your bag and took out the old and elegant pocket watch that you have owned for quite a long time already. You properly looked at the pocket watch to check the time, but instead you found yourself staring just right at it.


"Hm? Aren't you going to get late (y/n)?" your mother asked you as she fixed a pile of books. "Huh? Oh y-yeah. I'll get going then." you stuffed your pocket watch back inside your bag and then left the house.


You were walking through the lively streets of Tokyo, 'Tokyo is as lively as ever.' you smiled at the thought. As you kept walking to the academy you seemed to notice that the city looked a quite dim. You looked up to the sky and saw that the clouds were really darker than usual and you can absolutely tell that it was about to rain any minute from now. 'I didn't bring an umbrella, great.' you thought to yourself as you fastened your pace.

It did look like it was about to rain before you can even get to school plus you didn't even bring an umbrella or whatsoever.

You were now quickly walking to Fukurōdani Academy when suddenly heavy raindrops started falling down. "I should have brought and umbrella." you sighed as you brought your bag above your head and started running slowly, after all you didn't want to slip on the slippery wet floor. As you ran carefully on the street you thought of passing by a few convenience stores to purchase an umbrella, but unfortunately all the convenience stores you passed by had no more stocks of umbrellas for sale and your home had already been far away from where you are right now.

You absolutely had no choice but to walk to school without an umbrella and go to class with soaking wet clothes and shoes. 'I might have some extra clothes in my locker. I'll check it out later.' you thought. You continued to carefully walk on the street as the rain heavily fell harder and harder.

""Here take my umbrella." a woman insisted. "Thank you ma'am, but I'm fine! You need it more than I do." you smiled and bowed to her and hurriedly left to get to the academy. Kind people had requested that you join them with their umbrella or take their umbrellas, but you refused since you couldn't just take their umbrellas, you couldn't join in their umbrellas as well since you had to go this way and they had to go the other way. But, from time to time you would take shelter, so it wasn't that bad or so you thought.


There you are, you had no umbrella and you had soaking wet clothes and shoes. Your clothes were starting to get heavy due to the rain that has soaked your clothing, so you decided to rest and take shelter for the meantime. You removed your bag from above your head as you took shelter in the exterior of a random building and you started to squeeze all the water your clothes had absorbed from the rain to make your clothing less heavy and less soaked. As soon as you finished, you went away from the building's exterior and brought your bag back on top of your head to prepare yourself for another heavy impact of rain falling onto you, but instead, you felt nothing at all. You looked up to see what was going on or who was there.

There you saw a guy with round, golden-colored eyes and spiky white-grey hair with black streaks. "Hey! Hey! Hey!" He was smiling widely right at you. "H-hey!" you smiled right back at him. "Do have an umbrella?" he asked as he still kept the wide smile on his face. "I didn't bring one." you said as you let out an awkward chuckle.

"Then let's share!" he said really enthusiastically. You were about to decline when suddenly you realized he was actually from Fukurōdani Academy as well. "A-are you sure?" you asked him and he nodded enthusiastically. "But don't you have a companion with you?" you asked the enthusiastic guy.

"I do have, but he has his own umbrella!" he said as he called his companion's name. "AKKKAAASSSHIIIIIIIII-!"


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