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"AKAASSHHIII, RIGHT HERE!!!" the guy yelled as he waved at our direction. 


'Probably not, Akaashi left anyways.' you looked at the enthusiastic guy as you shrugged your thoughts away.

"My friend is coming, you can meet him!" he looked at me with a friendly smile.

"Uh- okay..." you said to him as you looked ahead at the street to see who this friend of his was and how he looked like. Could he be a random dude or could he be the Akaashi you once took a liking to, well you had to see for yourself.

As the crowd of people on the street passed by, you waited for the enthusiastic guy's friend. "Excuse me." you both heard a voice in the crowded streets.

There he was. You looked up to see his face, and just when you were about to, the crowd of people blocked your view. 'I can't see!' you thought to yourself as you tipped your toes.

While tipping your toes the crowd of people started bumping into you until the distance between you and the enthusiastic guy were now far but by your distance you could still hear them. You started to get hit by the rain again while you were there at the side of the street getting disappointed by your height. By the end, you still couldn't get a peek on his face. 

"THERE YOU ARE AKAASHI! IVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU!" the enthusiastic guy slightly yelled with excitment. "Bokuto-san, we'll be late."

'Bokuto? Ah, that must his name.' you thought and as you did you still couldn't see what had happened or what was happening but you could tell that Bokuto's friend had stopped in his tracks and spoke to him. "KYAAAAAA- YOU'RE RIGHT!" as Bokuto yelled at his friend, he suddenly looked at his side. "WAH! WHERE'S THE GIRL?!" Bokuto started to panic as he looked for you.

'Girl?' Akaashi shrugged off his thoughts. "Bokuto-san I'll go ahead. Akaashi said as he went ahead to the academy leaving the panicking Bokuto behind. 

You were on the side sulking because of your height when suddenly, you were interrupted by Bokuto with a concerned look on his face. "There you are! I was worried!" he said with a goofy smile on his face as he sheltered you with his umbrella. "Were late so let's get going!" "Y-yeah!" you said as the both of you walked to the academy.


"Finally..." you murmured to yourself as you let out a sight of relief. "There we go." Bokuto said as he fixed his umbrella. 'S-should I say thank you?' you thought to yourself as you looked at the side and started panicking on what you should say to him. "Here." Bokuto handed his umbrella to you and waited for you to take it.

Bokuto still had his goofy and oblivious smile in his face as he waited for you to take it. "Here, take it." Bokuto said as he still kept his wide smile on his face. "Y-you don't have to give me your umbrella Bokuto-senpai, you already brought me he-"

"KYAAAA- YOU KNOW MY NAME? I REALLY AM KNOWN EVERYWEHERE!" Bokuto laughed with excitement as he slightly yelled. "HERE! ILL GIVE YOU MY UMBRELLA AS A GIFT!"

Bokuto said enthusiastically as gave you his umbrella and left laughing happily. "W-wait." you were about to return the umbrella, but had second thoughts. 'Should I return the umbrella now or later? I'm already late.' you thought to yourself as you looked to your classroom's direction and turned to look to the direction Bokuti has taken. "I'll return it later!" you slightly yelled to your yourself and rushed to the locker room to change your soaking wet clothes.


You went to the locker room and changed your school uniform to your gym clothes. "Alright." you left the locker room while drying your hair as you walked to your classroom. 'Math class is finished, so I'll go to English class.' you thought to yourself as you were checking the time at your pocket watch.

You kept your pocket watch and started heading to English class with your gym clothes. When you arrived at your perspective classroom, you went to your seat that was beside the school windows and placed your bag on the hook where was placed under the side of your desk.

As you did, your english homeroom teacher arrived inside the classroom. "Class, take your seats and prepare for a surprise quiz. Let's finish this quick so I can finish next week's exam papers." you all sat on your seats and took out your paper and pens then took the quiz.


"Pass your papers, to the front and get back to your seats."

You and your classmates on English class stood away from their chairs and went to the front to pass their quiz papers. After you all passed the quiz papers to your homeroom teacher, you all sat back on your seats. "Now class you can do what you want, but don't be noisy." your homeroom teacher said as she continued finishing the exam papers in front.

Some students went in groups to chit-chat, some chatted with their seatmates, some slept, some ate, some read, some drew, and you just stared outside the window. As you stared outside the window, you saw Bokuto wearing a jersey with a group of highschool boys in jerseys too.

'Bokuto-senpai has a sport?' you thought as you observed Bokuto and his teammates and eventually they were heading towards the school's exit. 'Huh? Where are they going?' you thought as you looked at the school's exit. As you did, you saw a bus outside the school.

You looked back to Bokuto and his teammates and kept staring at them. 'Are they going into the bus?' you thought as the bus opened it's entrance and Bokuto and his teammates went inside the bus.

Bokuto and his teammates went inside one by one. Bokuto went in first, then another one went in, then another one, and so on until the last person went inside the bus. 'Hm? That one looks familiar.' you thought as you slightly squinted your eyes to get an even more clearer view of him.

To your surprise the last person to get inside the bus looked right back at you. 'I wonder what that guy is looking at.' you thought as you kept squinting your eyes at him.

'Is there something outside the wall? Is that why he keeps looking over here?' you peeked outside the school's window to see if there was something out there at the wall. 'Hm? There's nothing.' you looked back at the guy who still kept his gaze at you.

'Is he staring at me?' you slightly squinted your eyes at him again, as you did the guy took his gaze away from you and faced his gaze inside the bus. Bokuto was speaking to him. After they talked to each other the familiar guy went inside the bus as the bus closed its entrance and drove off.

You stopped staring at the window and you layed your head on top of your desk.


To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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