Chapter Twenty-five

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"No water. Why is all but the rum gone?" Pintel asks.

"Rum’s gone too." Gibbs lowers the empty bottle.

"If we cannot escape these doldrums before night, I fear we will sail on trackless seas, doomed to roam the reach between worlds, forever." Tia Dalma says.

"And with no water, forever seems to be arriving a mite too soon." Gibbs adds, walking over to Will and I.

"Why doesn’t he do something?" Will asks, looking up at Barbossa. I stand next to him, listening to everyone complain.

"Me eye! Give it back!" Shouts to no avail at the monkey.

"There’s no sense to it." Gibbs mutters.

"And the green flash happens at sunset, not sunrise." I pitch in, lifting my hat off my head to fan myself.

"Over the edge. It’s driving me over the bloomin’ edge. Sunrises don’t set." Gibbs looks out at the sea.

"What’s that?! What is that? I don’t know. What do you think’ Ooo!" Jack runs to the port side of the ship.

"Where?" Will asks as some of the crew goes over to the rail.

Jack runs to the other side of the ship, exclaiming, "There! Ah!"

"What is it?" Elizabeth asks, walking over from her place on the stairs.

Jack continues to run across the deck. Only after he does this a few times, I understand what he's doing.

"He’s rockin’ the ship!" Pintel stomps his foot in understanding.

"We’re rockin’ the ship!" Gibbs and I exclaim.

"Aye! He’s on to it!" Barbossa looks up from the spinney map.

We continue to rock the boat until we start to tip major.

"Now up is down." Jack says as we all grip the railing. The Pearl is flipping over and I hope that everything goes well.

We reach the water and I take in a deep breath. Here we go. The Pearl slowly tips completely over underwater. I did not dare open my eyes, I don't want to know what's happening out there.

I count the passing seconds in my head. So far twenty-seven seconds we've been down here. I feel the water around me glide past my body, we're moving!

The water stops moving and instead crashes down on me. Now air is present around me, I breathe n the clean air. Finally, that was taking forever.

"Blessed sweet westerlies. We’re back!" Gibbs exclaims, sucking in a breath.

"It’s the sunrise." Elizabeth watches the sun as it rises above the far ocean.

Suddenly guns appear and are being pointed at one another. I draw mine as well, pointing it at Barbossa. We all look at each other with observant eyes. Slowly calculating the best time to strike.

Then out of nowhere, Barbossa starts laughing. Jack joins in and I after him. Will and Elizabeth join and soon everyone with a gun is laughing and lowering their guns. Barbossa raises his guns saying, "Alright then!" Everyone raises their guns again as he says so. "The Brethren Court is a-gatherin’ at Shipwreck Cove; and Jack, you and I are a’goin’ nd there’ll be no arguing that point."

"I is arguing the point. If there’s pirates a-gathering, I’m pointing my ship the other way."

"The pirates are gathering to fight Beckett and you’re a pirate." Elizabeth points one of her guns at Jack. Jack points one at her.

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