Chapter 1

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Naina looked at herself in the mirror. She spent 20 minutes straightening her hair. It looked great now. She then kept her hands on her waist as she examined the outfit she was wearing...a navy long sleeve milkmaid style midi dress with a back zip fastening in an all over red floral print. The dress was a midi dress so it sat just below her knees.To complete the look, she wore small black heel boots.

Naina: so it's...friends, parents, other family members and teachers, welcome. We are graduating. Okay that's great, finally got the intro! So proud of me.

Today was her high school graduation and she had to say a speech for it. But that was not the only speech she had to say today. She had two speeches, one for school and one for her family. Well not for her siblings, it was a speech for her parents.

Naina: so speech for the parents...hi parents, I have something really important to say. So as you know, I have just graduated from high school and I will now be going to university um and um....actually I will practise this speech when I am done with school. Let me get graduation over and done with.

Voice: wow!

Naina turned to see her sister Dua at her room door.

Naina: hey Dua.

Dua: Naina didi, you look so pretty.

Naina: awww mera baccha.

She went up to her little sister and pulled her cheeks.

Naina: you look more pretty.

Dua: Naina didi, mummy and daddy said that they want you down else you will miss your graduation.

Naina: let's go then.

She held her sister's hand then the two sisters went downstairs to the living room where their other two sisters and parents were waiting.

Naina: hey Gauri. Hey Om.

Yes after 12 years of knowing that Gauri and Om were her real parents, she still had the habit of calling her parents by their real names. Her other sisters just called their parents 'mum dad' or 'mummy daddy' depending on their ages.Naina decided not to call her parents by 'mum dad' because both her parents were quite young when they had her.....Om was 17 and Gauri was 16 then she met them when Om was 23 and Gauri was 22. The age difference between her and her parents were pretty much the same as her and her little sister Ishika's difference....she and Ishika were 15 years apart, so not much difference from the age gap between Naina and her parents.

Om: hey Prerna. Ready to go?

Naina nodded with a smile as her parents and two other sisters got up from the sofa.

Prerna...this was the name her parents wanted to give her but due to circumstances, she was named Naina. When she got to know that Om and Gauri were her parents, that was when she got to know the name they wanted her to have. Prerna was now a nickname. Om mostly called her Prerna and Gauri calls her Naina because she had gotten the habit of saying the name Naina.

As Om was driving the car, Naina looked out of the window, adoring the beauty of LA. She was so nervous for her graduation speech. What if she messed it up? Normally she didn't fear anything but for some strange reason she was fearing her graduation speech as well as the speech she had prepared for her parents later on.

Gauri: Naina, are you okay?

Naina looked away from the beauty of LA and said: yeah Gauri, I am.

Ishika: mummy, why we go boring event?

Gauri: because it is a big day for your Naina didi.

Ishika: if it big day, let get ice cream.

Om and Gauri: we are going to the event.

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