Pt 2Alive?

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Shuichi pov

There she was sleeping on that bed, along with some other students
Sleeping in their own bed

Kaede is alive

And I screamed, making maki Rush,
And she well she was pretty suprised too.

There was Kaede, kirumi, kokichi, tenko and miu

How are they alive???

Maki pov

They are alive!
I couldnt belive my eyes..
But I saw them dead?
And I realized.
Kaito is not there
Kaito is not there
Kaito. İs. not. there.

I panicked, looked all over the room realizing another door.
Maybe he is there??
I looked inside. And there was only a
I felt all of my hope vanish, I tought he was alive too. I checked the bodies hoping I wouldnt Find his though.
He was there...
Shuichi pov

After I called for keebo, himiko and tsumigi I started checking them.
How are they alive? We saw them die, dead.

Ofc I checked kaede first. She was unconcious, not sleeping. There was a serum. I dont know if thats the thing makes her sleep or keeps her alive. I cant take the risk to cut the syrum.
There was a neck protector. Makes sense because of her exacution but wasnt she crushed by the piano?

Monokuma appeared.

Monokuma:puhuuhuhu you werent supposed to Find this room. I was hiding it for a motive! But since you found it I'll let you be with your friends again! This Will make the game longer and more fun anyways!!puhuh

But how are they alive I asked..

Monokuma gave me a file before he disappeared.
I started reading with maki.

Kaede: in her execution she basically tried to pretend dead, and when the piano closed she fell between two Keys.

Tenko:wasnt able to watch, propably she realized her neck was too easy to target and Put her hand behind her neck, causing the knife not go though her neck that much, most of the blood came from her hand. Had to change her with a impostor. None of the students realized.

Rantaro:Basically he was just unconsiocus. Ball cause him to go in Coma.he isnt in anymore though.

Kirumi:pretty determined to stay alive I suppose.even that fall couldnt make her die. Needed more medical help than the others.

Kokichi:actually the safety system worked. I predicted this would happen so I made a system for it.

 I predicted this would happen so I made a system for it

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There is a specific hole in the presser.whenewer it closes and the safety system works that hole opens, making the victim stay alive. Also subtracts extra blood to look like they died.

Miu:dying in the virtual world isnt that easy, especially since she is a "object" there

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Miu:dying in the virtual world isnt that easy, especially since she is a "object" there. She basically just went unconsicious so I just changed her with an imposter.

The file explains Every thing but.. Why did the head master save them? And only them?

Himiko tsumigi and keebo came in. I explained everything to them, keebo agreed to not to destroy the academy... For now..


Tenko is alive! Im so happy!
After shuichi explained us everything we all decided to sleep, I dont know if I can though. Im too happy.

Soo end of this parttt :)))
Not a cliffhanger this timeee
Also if you realize a Mistake anything you can just leave a comment about it :)
I Wonder if People actually reads this... Not that much person has entered my story but anyways..?

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