twenty five.

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We finally are back at my mom's house and my sisters aren't really filled on anything that's happened. My mom didn't know if Maya was comfortable with them knowing what her mom did or the fact that we're pregnant or anything like that so today we're planning on breaking the news today now that I'm back and Mai's feeling a lot better. I don't know if I'm gonna break the news about the pregnancy though since me and Maya haven't even talked about what we're possibly gonna do. My mom also is also planning on having our little conversation today to reprimand us about how irresponsible it was to go out and get pregnant at the age of 16. Im not necessarily ready for that, but today's gonna be pretty stressful so we might as well get it all over with in one day. "Girls, can you come downstairs for a second." My mom says as she finally sits in the couch next to me and Mai. I grab Maya's hand since she looks a bit nervous. "It's okay. I'm right here." She gives me and small smile and intertwines her fingers with mine. All of my sisters finally make their way downstairs. "Hey Maya" Tiara says making her way over to her. "Hey T" Mai says back quietly. She sits on the couch next to her and begins to lean in to hug her until she sees her stitches. "Woah what happened?"
"That's what I called you down here to talk about girls." My mom starts. "Amaya's gonna be staying here for a minute."
"What happened?" Tahiti asks. "Last week when I was here, I had run away from home because of my mom. Me and Peter Gene went to stay with Eric and because I have really bad anxiety I ended up passing out and was in the hospital yesterday."
"Oh my god. Maya are you okay ?" Tiara asks her and Maya gives a small smile. "Yea. On the way down the nightstand sliced my arm open. Hints the stitches. I'm fine besides that though. Anyways, my mom has always had final say over what I do and who I date. When she found out I was still With Bruno she went ballistic and kicked me out." She finishes. "Wait but what did Bruno do that you mom didn't like him?"
"He did nothing wrong. My mom is kind of a terrible person-"
"She's not terrible." I interrupt and she rolls her eyes. "Fine. She's extremely shallow and has something against me dating anyone who doesn't go to my private school."
"So this is a money thing? Your mom doesn't like us because we're not as good as your private school friends? You probably think the same thing." Presley says. "Presley relax. Amaya's nothing like her mom."
"How do we know that? We barely know her. She could just be doing this to spite her mom have you ever thought of that ?"
"Enough Presley." My mom says shutting her up. "Presley. You've never liked Amaya. What do you have against her?" I say and she rolls her eyes. "Because ever since you met her you put her before everyone. Before you even knew who she was, you were bending over backwards to do things for her. We used to hang out all the time Bruno and every time I want to talk to you about something, you're with her or doing something for her. It's like all of a sudden you love her more than you love us." I look at her and suck my breath a bit. "Presley, I never intended to steal your brother from you." Amaya says. "I understand if you think that I took him from you purposely, but it was never my intention. I'm so sorry."
"Presley why didn't you tell me you felt this way?"
"I couldn't because you were always with Amaya. And I don't hate her. I think you're really cool. I just didn't like that all of a sudden, I couldn't talk to my brother as much as i used to."
"Presley, you can still talk to me whenever. You know that. It's possible for me to have a girlfriend and for us to be as close as we were. You know I love you Elvis." I say throwing something at her and we all chuckle a bit. "You're so annoying." She says throwing it back. "Well I, for one, am excited to have Maya live here. She's already like a sister to me at least." Tiara says. Maya smiles and finally hugs her. "Thank T. I'm happy to be here to. I really love y'all and I'm not just saying that because I have no where else to go. These past 8 almost 9 months, you all really made me feel like I had another family who I could talk to and come to if I was feeling stressed so thank you."
"Mai you're like family. You literally fit right in." Tahiti says. "You're like a fifth sister." Jaime joins in. Maya's eyes start getting glossy listening to my sisters gush over her. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her a bit closer to me. "You're such a wuss." I say joking with her and she laughs leaning in to me. I wipe one of her tears that fall and my sisters all come around to give her a hug. "I love you guys." She says and they all say it back to her. "Okay girls get off before you hurt her arm." My mom says


About an hour passes and I get settled into their house. Not that I didn't know where everything was before, but it's a bit different when you know your gonna be living here now.  "Hey" I hear him softly say opening the door. "I brought you a snack" He says slowly closing the door. "Thank you." I say as he sits on the bed next to me. Silence fills the room. I know we both wanna talk about the whole pregnancy thing, but I don't know how to bring it up. "Umm. Can we talk about the um..."
"Yea. I've been wanting to, but I wanted to wait until you were ready." He says and we both get silent again. We chuckle at the silence because neither one of us even know where to start. "Umm so I guess the first question would be do you even want to have a baby?" He asks me. "I'm not sure. We're still so young Peter Gene. We have forever to have a baby." I start. "Yea I feel that way. I mean I honestly don't even know where we'd go with a baby."
"Right. But the thing is...abortions are scary." I say. "And what if for the rest of my life I question What if about if I had this baby?" I say and he breaks eye contact with me. "Abortions do seem a bit scary. We don't even know all of the options for abortion though."
"I don't know. It's a lot."
"...Mai do you wanna have this baby?" He asks grabbing my hand. I don't know. I really don't know because I'm too young for a baby, but I don't necessarily want an abortion. Don't get me wrong, I'm pro-choice, but the abortion procedure just seems extremely scary and overwhelming. I also know that Bruno doesn't want a baby so I have to consider what he wants, but I don't know if it's my hormones or something, but I feel like a baby wouldn't be so bad, especially with him. "I don't know Peter Gene. It's a really big decision and I just wanna make sure that whatever we do choose, we won't regret."  He kisses my cheek and scoots closer to me. "We don't have to make a decision today baby. At least now I know how you feel because I didn't know you were having doubts."
"I don't think I've ever been this confused."  I say. "I know it doesn't seem like it. But I am too." He starts. "I keep thinking that obviously we're too young to have a kid, but then a little voice in the back of my mind keeps saying what if."
"Exactly." I respond. It's like he's reading my mind, but I do have to realize that this is his baby too and he's probably gonna have the same reaction as me. We hear a knock at the door shaking us both out of our thoughts. Mama Bernie peaks her head in the door. "Come in Ma." Bruno says.  "Good I was coming in anyways." She says smiling and I giggle. She makes her way to the bed and looks at us. "We gotta talk." She says and we both get serious. "Look i'm not here to reprimand you. It doesn't surprise me that you guys have sex. It's what teenagers do. But I am surprised that you guys aren't having safe sex." She says. "Yea. It was only one time though Mom. We usually do and the one time we didn't, this happened." He says. "Well that's good to hear that at least you guys were being safe before your quick lapse in judgement. It happens. I get it. But now you're pregnant. Have you thought about what you're gonna do ?"
"We were talking about it before you came in Mama Bernie. It's such a big decision we just wanna make sure we make the right one." She smiles at us. "If it makes you feel any better. There is no 100% right answer. There's gonna be a but if doubt in whatever you choose. You just have to choose the one that makes the best decision for you right now." She says pulling us both into a hug. "I know it seems confusing and tough right now, but you have a bit of time to figure out what you guys want to do."
"What do you think we should do ma?" he asks and she sighs. "This isn't my decision to make. I could tell you what I would do, but this isn't my life. Whatever you guys do choose, you'll have my support." she says. She kisses Bruno's forehead and grabs and squeezes my hand. "You guys are gonna be fine. You've got a little bit of time." She's as she gets up and leaves. Bruno kisses my forehead and smiles at me. "I feel...relieved almost." I say and he sighs. "Me too." He put his hand on my stomach. "I can't believe there's something in there." He says and I smile at him. "Yea. Something we made." I respond.

Teenage Love Affair :: Bruno Mars Where stories live. Discover now