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I chill in my room by myself watching some television and playing some games, taking some me time today since I've been around people a lot lately. I don't bother putting my contacts in today since I'm chilling in the house today. Bruno and I were supposed to go bowling today but I told him I was alittle stressed with homework and what not so it was technically his idea for me to have a mental health day. Technically I lied to him though. I'm not stressed with hw, i'm just stressed because my parents have been fighting a lot. I would tell him about it but I'm embarrassed. "Maya. Can we see you in the kitchen really quick?" I hear my mom says and I turn my tv off and slide my house shoes on. I make my way to the living room and see them sitting across from each other at the dining table. I look at them confused and they motion me to sit down. "What's going on ?" I ask them. "Maya... we have something to tell you." My mom starts and I get a little nervous. "What it is ?"
"Maya. We just want you to know that if course this isn't your fault. There's been a lot of stress in the house lately and a lot of new information that has surfaced regarding the new job that I've gotten. Me and your mother have found out a lot about each other over the past couple months and well-"
"Can you guys just spit it out?"  I say getting a little annoyed and scared. "We're getting a divorce."  My mother says and my father instantly looks guilty. "W-What?" I say quietly and they both sigh. "We're sorry babygirl." My father says. "Well, IM sorry." He continues "This is the last thing we could've wanted-"
"Then you wouldn't have cheated." my mother discloses. "Can we not do this now Kira?" he says and she scoffs. "Then you shouldn't have been so childish with your apology Steve. You're cheating with a woman who makes less that half your salary"
"So what ?!"
"Do you want an equal or a submissive?"they say as they begin another one of their notorious arguments. "Stop !" I yell and they both look at me. "First, you just tell me your getting a divorce then you don't even ask how I'm feeling you just go straight back into arguing, like i'm not even here. Are you serious ?!" I say and they instantly begin trying to console me again. "No. Don't try it now." I say getting up from the table. I hear them talking to me as I go to my room. I instantly grab my phone and change into some sweats and some shoes andmake my way out my patio and begin walking towards his house. I use this time to calm down for the most part until It begins pouring out of no where. "Just my luck." I say to myself as I pick up pace a little. By the time I get to his door I'm soaked and I'm ever more angry and sad then when I started walking. I guess getting caught in the rain has that effect on me. I knock and he answers almost instantly and looks at me shocked. "Amaya, it's pouring outside what are you doing here ?" He says pulling me inside. "Cmon let's get you some dry clothes." He says taking me to his room. I sit on the floor trying comprehend what just happened. My dad cheated and they're getting a divorce then had another argument not considering how vulnerable I might be. "Baby you okay? You haven't said anything since you got here." he as he stops pulling clothes out. I look up at him with my glossy eyes and he sits beside me. "Talk to me Amaya. Tell me what's wrong?" He says and I swallow the lump in my throat. My chest gets heavy and it gets hard for me to breathe. My tears start streaming down my face. "I think I'm having a panic attack." I somehow manage to say and he pulls me into his chest. He rubs my back slowly as my crying gets heavier. He kisses my forehead as he whispers in my ear. "Breathe babygirl. It's okay." His actions surprise me most people tend to panic with me. He actually calms me down quicker. About 5 minutes pass and I lay on his chest still sad but calmer since my panic attack subsided. "You okay Mai ?" he says softly and I nod. "Good. Because you soaked my clothes." Even after a panic attack he can get me to laugh. I give him a small chuckle as he stands up and holds out the dry clothes to me. I give him a small smile and take the clothes. "You don't have to tell me what's wrong, I just want to know if you're okay?" He says as I change. "I should probably talk about it so I can get it off my chest." He takes his shirt off, since I soaked it, and lays on the bed. Once I'm done changing I go and join him. I lay on the opposite side so that my legs are near his waist and vice versa. He grabs one of my legs and rubs it as I sigh. "So my parents told me they're getting a divorce today." I begin. "My dad's been cheating on my mom ever since he got this new job."
"Aww I'm sorry baby. That's terrible" He says and shrug. "That's not really the bad part. They went right back to arguing like I wasn't there. I felt really unimportant like they didn't care about my feelings. It's nothing new but since this is such bug news I thought for once they'd consider my feelings. Sometimes it's like they forget they have a daughter." I say and a couple tears stream down my face. Hr changes his position so he's now laying adjacent to me. He massages my scalp as i lay on his shoulder. "Don't say that Mai. They love you they're just going through a lot right now. I'm not sticking up for them I'm just trying to see it from their perspective." He says and i smile. "I love you." I say intertwining our fingers. "I love you too babygirl." He says "I happy you trust me enough to come to me first." he continues. "You're the only person I would come to." I say and his lips connect with the top of my head. "That rain really fucked your hair up Mai." he says making a joke and I hit him. "I'm kidding. Your look adorable with your glasses and your curly hair." he says as I yawn feeling myself dozing off. "You mind if I take a nap baby? My panic attack wore me out." I say and we both laugh. "Sure baby I'm pretty tired too." I feel him take my glasses off as I quickly doze off in his arms while he plays with my hair.


I run my fingers through her now curly hair. As I hear her light snores against me. I kiss her a couple times and hold her tightly against me trying to ensure that she feels safe. I hear my mom come home and she passes by my room and sees me and Maya. "Hey Bruno. I got your new picks." She whispers, handing me a couple of guitar picks that she probably picked up from the market. "So are you guys planning to hang out today ?" She says and I shrug. "She came over to get away from her house." I explain. "Her parents are getting a divorce."
"Oh my god that's terrible."
"Yea. She came here and had a panic attack. She broke down. I was so scared ma. I didn't know what to do." I say and she comes and stands next to me. She runs her fingers through my hair. "Looks like you handled it well. It's not your job to fix her problems, you just wanna help her through them." She says and I nod. "Okay. Can this stay between us though ma?"  I say and she winks at me as she walks out the room. I have the best mom ever, I swear. I feel her start to shift and her eyes flutter open. She squints and she looks up to me and she smiles. I peck her lips and she stretched as she sits up. "How long was I out for ?" She asks. "About an hour." I respond still lay out behind her. "Thank you baby." she says looking back at me. Her curly hair cascading over her face. "For ?"
"Calming me down. All of today was spontaneous as hell and you were super accommodating for me." She says still squinting at me. I chuckle at her and hand her her glasses, sitting up next to her. "Here Ray Charles and you know I'm always gonna be there to cheer you up and listen to your problems." She giggles at my joke and kisses me softly. "I'm gonna come over like this more often." 
"Please do. You look so naturally beautiful like this." I say and she blushes. "You serious ? I've always hated how I've looked without make up."
"Why?" I ask looking at her genuinely confused. Does she not see what I see ? "I look so flushed and ashy."
"Ashy? Are you serious right now Mai?" I say laughing at her. "Yeees I hate it." She says hitting me. My laughing finally dies down and I hold her face in both of my hands. I kiss her on the lips first and then begin kissing on other parts of her face like her nose and her cheeks. "You have never looked more beautiful then you do right now Amaya and you know I wouldn't lie to your ashy ass either." I say and she laughs. I let her face go and she plants another kiss on my lips. "I hate you." She says and I smirk at her. "You wish you could hate me."

Teenage Love Affair :: Bruno Mars Where stories live. Discover now