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"Grace left the train a little while ago." she said. Hazel noticed the little smile that was on the corners of Amelia's mouth that she tried to hide. Despite her rough exterior Amelia really was fond of herself and Grace.

"That's nice for her but why does that involve you looking for me?" she asked. Hazel knew that Amelia would naturally reject any suggestion that she should watch over her on the principle that she did not like children and was constantly on the move but she also knew that Amelia was likely so bored with her job that she'd take the opportunity to go blow it off.

"I want you to take me to the engine so I can meet the conductor." Hazel said. Amelia gave her a look of surprise followed by a small laugh and a shake of the head.

"Trust me, while I love going on little excursions with you as much as a person with no particular fondness for children can, taking you to the engine is not a great idea." she explained. Hazel felt both frustrated and confused and it showed on her face as she followed Amelia into the next car.

"Why can't I go?" she asked her. Hazel knew that she was going to spend the rest of her life on this train and that she had no problem with, but spending the rest of her life on this train purposeless and alone wasn't a fate that she would submit to.

"You can't go because One isn't who you think he is. While he's certainly no evil dictator he's also not particularly nice or empathetic. When he heard about you he wanted me to eject you along with my cars, the only reason you're still standing is that I was able to recalibrate my pulse to not detect you as an anomaly." Amelia explained. "Whatever you're trying to gain by seeking him out, trust me, you won't get it." Amelia was a woman who spoke from experience on that front. Hazel didn't care about Amelia's warning however. Maybe the conductor wasn't very nice but he certainly cared about the train and since Hazel was a denizen on it then he'd certainly want to find a purpose for her.

"You've gotta take me. I want to find a purpose on this train, and if I find one I won't ever have to bother you again." she stated. Amelia looked at the small girl with a combination of pity, annoyance, and fondness.

"You really want me to take you?" she said, offering Hazel an out to forget about this whole endeavor. Hazel didn't back down and reaffirmed her wishes.

"Yes, I want to talk with One-One." she responded. Amelia let out a groan at the fact that she was actually going to concede to this ludacris demand.

"Fine, come on." she said as she began walking away from the exit to the car that they were in and starting walking off to the side. Hazel followed behind her confused as to exactly how this was going to get them closer to the engine and to the conductor.

"Where are we going?" she asked. Amelia began with her explanation.

"As you know the train is huge, infinite in fact. This means that getting to the engine to report back to One can be a bit of a hassle, so in every car there is a hidden keypad. When the correct code, which is only known by me, is entered it reveals the complicated transportation system that the train uses to allow for everything to be in its place, and I can use it to get to the engine quickly." she said. Hazel nodded having absorbed nothing from the interaction. Amelia kicked over a seemingly insignificant rock and which caused an elevator-like transportation system to rise from the ground.

Amelia entered into the open door of the elevator and Hazel followed behind her. Unlike a normal elevator it had no buttons to select a floor and instead Amelia simply said "engine" into the speaker of the thing and it began moving towards their destination finally stopping when they'd arrived. The doors open and Hazel was awestruck by the engine, it was like no car she'd ever seen before. Inside a strange mechanical tentacled robot with a ghost white face scurried around. Hazel was frightened by the thing despite trying not to be and unconsciously grabbed onto Amelia, who ignored her.

"Is that the conductor?" she asked,frightened. Amelia looked thoughtful for a moment before giving her answer.

"Sort of." she replied before addressing the conductor properly. "One, I'm back." she said. The tentacled robot's face popped open to reveal a small round little robot inside. Out popped the robot who used his tiny legs to walk over to them.

"Oh Amelia your back; and you've brought a friend! Hello little girl, what's your name?" One-One asked. Hazel peaked out from behind Amelia, less frightened now that the robot One-One had been piloting was no longer moving.

"I'm Hazel." she said cautiously. Amelia was right in that One-One was nothing like Hazel expected him to be but she wasn't very intimidated by him so that was good at the very least.

"Well hello Hazel, I'm One-One the conductor of the train. And what brings you to the engine?" he asked. The question was outwardly directed at Hazel but she waited for Amelia to answer for her.

"Hazel was one of my creations if you remember. Well, she's asked for you to give her a purpose on the train." she said casually. One-One looked about as delighted as was possible without facial features.

"You actually want me to give you a purpose on the train? That's wonderful! You wouldn't believe how many people come here to complain about not liking their purpose on the train. Let's see what we can do with you." he said giving Hazel a once over. Hazel waited with baited breath to be told what she was to do on this train. The robot dinged indicating that he'd come up with an answer. "Well Hazel, you are a very special case. Considering you don't have a car that was tied to you I can't assign you the typical purpose of helping passengers to get off the train, though if what Amelia has told me is true you've done that just fine without being assigned. There is a role I can offer you on the train however, how would you like to be a maintenance worker?" he asked

Amelia looked indignant. "You're offering my job to a child?" she asked.One-One chuckled at her discomfort.

"Oh calm down Amelia. You are very old, and your number gets lower everyday, one day you'll either fulfil your purpose on the train and get off, or die. And when that happens someone will have to keep the train up and running." he explained to an annoyed Amelia. "I'm suggesting you train Hazel here so that she can take over when one of those two options occurs." Hazel watched on in mild amusement. She hadn't expected her purpose on the train to be what Amelia did but Hazel was sure she could make the best of it, Hazel could always make the best of everything.

"I want to do it!" Hazel said happily. Amelia looked like she was going to reject the idea out of hand and tell Hazel to figure something else out. But maybe in that moment Hazel looked too much like someone Amelia had loved a long time ago for her to reject the idea. She sighed and relented.

"Fine. I suppose I have always wanted an apprentice." she said honestly. "I'll teach you what I can." and that was that. Hazel had gained a purpose on the train, and in a way Amelia had as well. Maybe that was all you could ask for, a goal to work towards. Perhaps that was what the train was for, to give you a goal so when you felt better you barely even realized it. 

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