The Knife swallower

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Another toxic ex of his. Evan Rachel Wood. It looks like her mouth is about to be cut up. Marilyn's projected hallucinations of me, opened her mouth without any empathy and stepped inside. The blood gushes out like a fountain, a gasp, suffocation, and the illusionary self is as if washed down in a toilet. I'm sunken straight down her tight throat. Very irritated, that's Marilyn Manson's whole expression. It passed as quickly as if nothing had passed and her face is the same again. Only the hallucinatory self of me drowned.

Manson grabs the phone and holds it to his ear. He turns on the speaker to make Evan more afraid. The old familiar voice of the unknown killer pushes the quiet away.

"Hello Marilyn, hello Evan. I want to play a game. For two years now, Evan has been using her high status as her avenue to spread obnoxious, violent rumors about you, Marilyn, in the world. Rumors that you beat her, raped her and abused her in many ways. Evan deliberately forgets to mention her part of what happened because nothing happened without her consent. Everything was agreed. As you have surely already noticed, three knives are positioned one behind the other so that they slide right through Evan's throat as soon as the chain holding the knives up is severed by the ironsaw that will be switched on as soon as this message comes spoken to the end. Perhaps soon this mouth will no longer be able to speak, like a waterfall that is blocked by boulders. The knives will cut Evan open inside and kill her unless she steps on the pedal next to her right foot, which will set a drill in motion to dig into her own vagina. However, as soon as she lifts her foot off the pedal and switches off the drill, the ironsaw will start sawing on the chain again. Now comes your role in this game, Marilyn. Under Evan's trap is a pool filled with freshly-sharpened, sharp shards. To save evan rachel wood you have to dive into the pool and find the key to open her shackles. Will Evan Rachel Wood have to die like this because of you, Marilyn? Make your choice. "

A grinding sounds, the ironsaw gnaws at the chain like rats on the bars of the cage. Marilyn pays attention to Evan's legs, which are cramped. She doesn't manage to move them. She fails to insert the drill into her pussy. She sees the knives dangling over her face. "Maybe death is a better thing than having to live with trauma," Manson whispers in Evan's ear. His breath feels cold. She tries to turn her head away from his, but the restraints prevent this. Her mouth is held open by hooks, she cannot close it. And if she could, she would be sure to accidentally bite her tongue bloody, maybe even swallow it. He spits in her mouth, his face full of disgust. Then he takes a step back. The three knives fall. Slipping down her throat. Wedge in her flesh and cut her throat. She gasps, but it doesn't help her. Evan chokes on her blood. With every movement, twitch, the blade of a knife rubs against her interior and pierces it sharply. "The game is over for you," says Marilyn, and already walks to the door. The panting, coughing, choking and crying blows away in the wind like the smell of a corpse buried under the earth. The helpless noises become quieter, weaker. Evan is dead. The door opens. A digital clock with the passage of time sticks to the door. 1 hour and 5 minutes remaining.

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