Chapter 13

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"I'll go first" Thalia said stepping forward.

Hal looked at them warily,his eyes making it obvious he did not want to do this,but the three of them fixed firm gazes at him,making it obvious they were doing this.

The old man sighed and stretched his hands forward. Thalia tentatively took them in her own younger softer ones.

Hal's eyes began glowing,green and mist suddenly surrounded him. The brothers gasped at that,the prophetic appearance making painful memories of their mother resurface.

Luke leapt forward to pull Thalia from his grasp but Percy held him back firmly.

"What are you doing man! He's possessed just like mom!" Luke screamed" he'll infect her!"

"He won't you dimwit!" Percy said" Mom was not possessed,she was just like Hal. She could see the future,maybe that's what drove her insane"

Thalia didn't know who to focus on. The old man glowing green and spewing smoke in front of her or the two brothers revealing a side of their life she was never aware of.

Hal slowly let go of her hands,his eyes sadder that they had seen  since they came to this house.

"Wha..what did you see?" She asked.

Hal leaned down and began typing,although hesitantly at first.

"You are destined to survive this day" he said.

"Tha...that's a good thing,right?" Thalia asked looking warily at him"Why do you look so sad?"

"Its not easy to explain,but you will make a sacrifice to save your friends one day. From that sacrifice,you will face years of solitude,you will stand,y tall and still,alive but in deep slumber. You will change once,then again. Your path shall be lonely,until you make the choice of which one of the two to stand with"

"Which one of the two,what two?" She asked" and how will I be alive and sleeping,tall and asleep? You call that a prophecy?' She growled at him.

"Hey let's not get worked up about this. Well figure out what it means later" Percy said pulling her back" Now let's see if Luke will survive this day too"

The blonde brother gulped and stretched his hands towards Hal,which the old man took while trembling.

When green smoke started pouring from his mouth,Luke stifled a gasp and closed his eyes,his whole posture struggling to remain still.

The old man suddenly let go of his hand,stumbling backwards with fear shining bright in his eyes. If not for Percy zooming in to catch him,Hal would have fallen down on a hooked celestial bronze sword.

"Okay,so I'm guessing you saw nothing good" Luke said.

"Hal,what is it? What did you see?" Percy asked while helping him to his feet. Hal went to the computer,typing in intervals of fast and slow.

"You will also survive this day" Hal typed.

"Well...?" Thalia asked urging him forward.

"I also saw fire" Hal typed again.

"Fire,as in,today?" Luke asked. Hal nodded.

"There's something you're not telling us" Percy said crossing his arms and fixing his cold glare on Hal.

"I...I saw also a sacrifice in Your future. And a betrayal"

"A betrayal,that means someone will betray Luke,right?" Thalia asked" because Luke will never betray anyone"

"His path is hard to see but if he survives today,he will betray--"

"Okay that's enough!" Thalia growled,the fear she'd been bottling up turning to pure anger" You lure demigods in here then take away their hopes without nasty predictions. No wonder they gave up. You're pathetic!"

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