Chapter 20

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"Well he's one interesting pile of filth"

"Why say that?"

"Look at his eye. When Mi'lady dumped him here it was swollen to capacity from when she hit him. It's been barely two hours and the swelling is gone,not to mention according to Lady Artemis,he shouldn't even be alive  from the hit he received,even for a demigod"

"Hmm,that is interesting"

Percy didn't know who was talking,but he did know he felt kinda insulted.

Since he was sure they were a mere inches from his face,he deduced  the 'interesting pile of filth' they were talking about was him.

He was also sure the nasty headache he was currently experiencing was because one of them,the supposed 'Mi'lady' was the one who had hit him.

That meant he was up to speed on had happened. Now the only questions he had were,where was he,who were the assholes who had kidnapped him ,why did he feel like his skin was exposed and where were Thalia Annabeth and...the other guy,what was his name again...oh yeah,Luke?

The demigod let out a low groan and shifted in the uncomfortable position he had been in.

"*gasp* He's waking up!"

"Call Mi'lady Atlanta and summon the others" the other voice said. This one sounded poetic and carried an authoritative tune to it. He didn't even know who this 'Mi'lady' person was but he  wanted to summon her already.

So there were others? Crap,this day could not get any worse.

Shuffled feet and excited voices milled all around him,and all of them sounded feminine. So he was surrounded by a bunch of girls.

One of them shushed the rest. He had a good guess that it was the poetic voiced one. The other girls kept quiet and only one pair of feet could be heard approaching.

"Is he awake yet?" A younger and much more regal voice asked.

"He's coming to Mi'lady" the poetic one said.

"Could you speed him up?"


His face scrunched in confusion when he heard the metallic clinging of a hollow filled substance but the confusion was lifted when a bucket full of water was splashed onto him.

The result was instantaneous.

His eyes flew open as he gasped for breath and coughed out in a very embarrassing manner. Once he regained his vision,he finally understood why he felt like his skin had been exposed.

That's because,save for his boxers,the son of Hermes was naked. And now wet.

Also,he was firmly and tightly tied to a post,his hands crossed above his head and his feet apart and also tied tightly. So tight the skin around his ankles and wrists was beginning to turn purple.

Then he looked around at the people surrounding him. Turns out he was right,they were all girls. The oldest seemed to be around seventeen years old while the youngest seemed twelve.

In total,they were twenty four,all dressed in silver parkas,combat pants and dark combat boots.

The one right in front of him,the one he assumed was the poetic one had coppery skin raven black hair which was side braided and onyx black eyes.

She looked like a Persian princess,a gorgeous one at that. But the fact that she was beautiful didn't spare her from his glare.

"Well,that was unnecessary" he said looking her in the eye" you knew I was about to wake up,why dump water on me?"

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