Chapter 16~ "A party?"

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A/N Hey mates and new mates! Welcome to a new chapter today. Just so you know most of these OCs are not mine! They belong to "Rosyclozy". I do have my own OCs in here but I'll tell you which ones are mine. These characters are from her hit series "The music freaks". Don't get mad or rage at me in the comments just because you dont like the ships. If you dont support or hate the LGBTQ+ community then please leave. Now that I cleared the air, sit back and relax and enjoy the chapter! Popcorn? 🍿 (lemon/fluff involved in this story~(ó﹏ò。)

Jake's POV

It's been a week after Luke and Sean started dating and, there honestly a really cute couple! But I kinda fell like I want someone to love as well...It's a friday I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I trun around and see Drew. "Hey Drew! What's up?"  Drew leaned against the locker. "Sooo my parents aren't going to be here this weekend so I'm planning a party and the whole school's invited."

I looked over "A party? But why so sudden?" He rolled his eyes "like I said my parents are ganna be out of town, plus Its senior year a I want to go out with a bang!" I laughed. "Alright I'll come for sure!" He smiled as we started walking. "Cool! Its ganna be a blast! Also could you come by later today? I need help to get everything ready because, my sis is probably going to be fucking her boyfriends as usual.."

I looked over "dosen't your sister fuck every guy in her college?" I asked he rolled his eyes. "DUH! That's all she ever dose! God she's such a slut! Just like my mom!" He yelled. We continued walking until we had to go our separate ways. "Bye Drew I'll see you after school!" "You too!" I started walking to my first class.


Time skip

Drew's house


I knocked on the door to Drew's house as I got pulled in by another arm. I looked to see it was Drew's sister. "Hey there hot shot~ wanna have some fun~" I tried to push her away but I didn't want to hurt her. Just as she was leaning in for a kiss I heard Drew yell. "VANESSA! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM AND GO FUCK SOMEONE ELSE!"

She rolled her eyes. "Fine whatever! See ya hot shot~♡" She walked away winking at me. I took a breather as Drew walked up to me. "Sorry about that...apparently she isn't going to go fuck her 100 boyfriends for once in a life time!" Drew yelled sarcastically making sure his sister could hear. I laughed. His sister heard and replied with.

"Yeah yeah stop acting like you dont want to fuck that Henry kid you've been talking about!" Once I heard that I looked over to Drew which his face was a tomato. "What dose she mean by that?" "No ide-" "what I mean is that he has a crush on some Henry kid or whatever!" "VANESSA! SHUT THE HELL UP!!" "OH SO ITS TRUE!?" "WHY DONT YOU GO SUCK A D--- FOR ONCE!" "WHY NOT THAT HENRY KID SUCK YOURS!" That was enough for Drew to become speechless for about 30 seconds before. "C-com'on let's just get ready..."

I was laughing so hard at their aurgement, that it took me another minute to calm down. "Are you done laughing at my sufferin?" I nodded my head as we started getting ready. "See what I have to deal with every day?" "Jeez tell me about it!" As Drew placed food and drinks on the table his sister walked by and started eating them.

"Hey! Hot shot come over here!" I truned around to see Drew's sister Vanessa. I walked over to see what she wanted. "Uh, what do you want?" I asked. She sat up on the counter we were by. "So tell me about this Henry kid." I looked at her "why do you wanna know?" I asked folding my arms, she laughed. "Calm down knight and shining armor! I just wanted to know so maybe, I could give Drewy a little nudge in the right direction~."

A spectacular musical (A Rosyclozy fan Fiction) |Jander|Where stories live. Discover now