Chapter 4

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Jessica removed her scarf and gloves, as well as her coat and cardigan. From the corner of her eye, she saw Johnson talking a pen attached on his bottom lip.

The bohemian girl watched the two boys take their coats off at once, but Johnson stops and made it look like he was cold.

John turned away. He balls up his paper throwing it at the preps, neither of them acknowledged it.

John sings "Sunshine of Your Love." Jessica starts humming along.

"I can't believe this is really happening to me." Cherry muttered to herself, rolling her eyes.

"Oh crap! What are we supposed to do if we have to take a piss?" John suddenly asked.

"Please," Cherry said, agitated.

John starts to unzip his pants.

"You got to go, you got to go."

Cherry turned away, embarrassed.

"Hey, you're not urinating in here, man." Athlete said.

"Don't talk, don't talk." John said quickly. "It makes it crawl back up."

"You whip it out; you're dead before the first drop hits the floor." Athlete said sharply.

"You're pretty sexy when you get angry." John said jokingly. He does a fake growl.

Athlete turned away, ignoring the rebel.

John faced the nerd.

"Hey, homeboy. Why don't you close that door?" He suggested. "We'll get the prom queen and the hippie chick impregnated."

The red head glared at John.

"Let's take it a little slower dude. I don't want to wake up pregnant." Jessica casually said.

John chuckled, grinning slyly at the blonde.

"Hey. Hey!" Athlete called.

"What?" John demanded, taking his eyes off Jessica.

"I lose my temper, you're totaled man." Athlete said threateningly.

"Totally?" John asked with disbelief.


"Why don't you just shut up?" Cherry snapped. "Nobody here is interested."

"Really. Butt face," said Athlete.

"Butt face?" Jessica repeated. "What are you five?"

"Well, hey sporto. What did you do to get in here?" John asked. "Forget to wash your jock?"

"Excuse me fellas, I think we should just write our papers." Johnson suggested, trying to break up an argument.

"Look, just because you live in here doesn't give you the right to be a pain in the butt. So knock it off!" Athlete snarled.

"It's a free country," said John.

"He's doing it to get a rise out of you." Cherry said. "Just ignore him."

"Sweets," John said.

Cherry looked at him.

"You couldn't ignore me if you tried."

Cherry scowled and turned away.

"So, so; are you guys like boyfriend and girlfriend?" John questioned.

"Steady dates?"


Athlete and Cherry ignored him.

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