Episode 29

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Peach goes to check on Sans!Peach. She is still upset, herself. But that would compare to Sans!Peach's personal depression.


Sans!Peach(In Tears):How can this happen to them... We gods can die, It's just extremely hard to. We can't age, We are able to defend ourselves extremely well. We can easily catch the opponent in the act. So, how can they go so fast?

Peach(Determined):I will find out, No matter how long it takes. I will find out who did this, I swear it. I promise.

Sans!Peach(In Tears):I'm going to hold you to that.

Peach goes into finding ways these gods can die. She stood up all night for 5 days.

Mario:You are investigating, aren't you?

Peach(Extremely Tired):Yes... I won't give up... Until I... find the culprit...

Mario:If you focus wavers, then it will never get done. You being tired isn't going to help. Just get some rest, and I'll help you in the research.

Peach(Extremely Tired,Goes to bed):Oh, ok...

Mario(Looks at Peach's notes):Hm... What has she come up with... "Sniper", Makes sense... "Magic Trap", Possible... Hm... "Poisoning"...? Not likely..., "Stunned then killed",...? Can't be stunned, Waluigi tried and failed. How else was he in jail. That's all. Ok. Well. She has almost completed the causes so obviously she was almost done...

Mario(Flipping through the pages):No, No, No... Animal Attack... No... Fire... Never... They are immune to status ailments... Blasted? Not even close. She found Sniper or a Magic Trap. Impressive... Ok...

Mario rested the night and talked to Peach in the morning. She was sitting on her throne.

Mario:You have good skill there. A sniper and a Magic Trap will do it.

Peach:Now to find the style.

Mario:Ok, Gods are immune to status ailments, so stunning, poisoning, burning, freezing, etc. will not affect them one bit. As for the Magic Trap. All 4 victims are covered in some sort of oily substance, such as blood or dust. They are susceptible to fire and ice based traps, but they will only get the status ailments. Like I said, that isn't possible. Thunder is a stunning tool but can take some damage if used enough, but a Thunder Magic Trap is a status ailment type trap, so that doesn't work. The autopsy stated that a signal arrow killed all 4. But we know that archers are not built as snipers.

Peach:Do we have the arrows?

Mario:Yeah... where are you going with this?

Peach:Check the point's pattern...

Mario:Autopsy says... Flower... Desert-Type Flower...

Peach:And Daisy can snipe anyone from her castle...

Mario:Oh, god... This isn't good...

Peach:They'll be so angry...

Mario:Oh, boy... You promised you'd tell them.

Peach:Yeah I did.

Peach(Gets off her throne):I will tell them, You and Luigi arrest Daisy.

Mario:This must be hard, but we'll do it.

Peach:It is... Just do it...

Peach reaches the temple, Sans!Peach sees her, Ink!Daisy and Cream,FLotFF are guests, all 3 are still upset.

Peach(Feels Betrayed):Hey, there...

Ink!Daisy(Sees Peach's Feelings):What's wrong?

Sans!Peach:Did you find the culprit?

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