Season 2 Episode 16

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Dragona reaches the area she was told by Peach, who was so happy to see Dragona again.

Warrioress Peach:Dragona.

Dragona(Reborn):Oh, I didn't even know I was dueling you, Peach!

Warrioress Peach:I volunteered. So… Shall we begin!

Dragona(Reborn)(Pulls out Dragon's Rage, Summons Fury Katana, and activates her tail blade):HELL, YEAH!

Warrioress Peach(Pulls out Rage and Beyond, her blades):Ok, THIS DUEL JUST GOT INTERESTING!!

EX Battle:

Dragona(Reborn):30000/36/12/48 (x2a)


Warrioress Peach:30000/36/12/46 (x1a)

Turn 1

-Beyond Fear-

Immune to Terror



(Warrioress Peach)Combo(2×4))




Turn 2

-Regenerative Boost-


-Beyond Fear-

Immune to Terror

-Warrior's Rage-



(Warrioress Peach)Combo(2×3))



24640-600-738-826-208-477-906-254- 744-869-88-525-949-253-430-961-600- 738-826-208-477-906-254-744-869-88- 525-949-253-430-961=6984






Dragona won without a problem as to be expected from the reborn god.

Dragona(Reborn):Were you even trying?

Warrioress Peach:Not really…

Dragona(Reborn):Haha… You really need to go all out… It would make it ten times easier in a fight.

Warrioress Peach:This was to honor you, If you had lost, that is not honorable at all…

Dragona(Reborn):I am far stronger… That's just weird of you to worry about that. I'd just play cocky and say I wasn't trying.

Warrioress Peach:Hahaha! Now that was cocky!

Dragona(Reborn):I can't be upset since I wasn't trying, either.

Warrioress Peach(Shocked):What!? That's not true!

Dragona(Reborn):It is.

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