The First Appearance - Chapter 1

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Hiiii! So, I'm not gonna try too hard on this story - also ignore that he's blonde in the picture that doesn't matter pls don't kill me-
Amazing art by WolfyTheWitch! Pls check them out on Twitter plssss!)

You were...somewhat simplistic, to say the least. A college student, as most 19 year olds are. You weren't exactly studying anything specific, majoring in computer science and minoring in history. So, of course, that being said, you were quite interested when offered a rather old looking book on medieval history. Of course, it wasn't exactly the most fancy offering, getting it for two bucks from a garage sale, but it was an offering nonetheless.

Once you got back to your dorm from your fun little day on the town, you were eager to open the book - however, once you did, you wished you hadn't. While it did say it was nonfiction, literally everything inside wasn't true - and that was coming from a history buff. It talked of some place called 'Gladius', some kingdom that a dude named 'The Golden King'. The words almost seemed to shift on the page as you continued to read, turning into a language you couldn't identify, until at the very back of the book. In bolded letters, it read 'Quod praeteritum praesens', which, for whatever reason, you were compelled to read aloud. However, as soon as you read those words, a light enveloped you and you, of course, blacked out.


You were awoken by the sound of several gruff voices, along with weight on your arms. You realized that not only were you being dragged along, but your hands were cuffed behind your back, something you would be inclined to joke about if you were around your friends.

"The old hag says she just appeared, right?" Said the deeper voice, seeming somewhat uninterested.

"Right. Now, I do believe the king should know of her."

"I think the hag is lying. Could just be a chance to wed her daughter to the king, eh?"

"Maybe. However, I think it's worth the king's approval."

At that point, you began to reclaim your consciousness - though, not before you were dragged into what looked to be straight out of Monty Python. It was a room so beautiful and golden that it almost looked fake, like a set for a movie. You noticed the paintings lining the walls depicting what you figured was the king. The paintings were...rather immodest, to say the least, depicting a man with what seemed to be pink hair in several victorius poses - standing atop a pile of dead bodies with a bloodied sword, or a painting of him shaking hands with what looked to be a man with curly brown hair - or simply him just sitting in the throne.

Your suspicions were answered when you glanced up to see the very same man sitting in a golden and velvet throne, seemingly frowning down at you. You couldn't see his eyes, due to the boar skull he wore over his face, though you suspected he was glaring at you. Soon enough, one of the guards spoke up.

"Sire, this woman is claimed to be the bringer of light. Well, some hag claims that she is." The one with the deeper voice spoke up.

"Personally, I do believe it. We checked her pockets and found this contraption." The one with the kinder voice spoke, reaching into his pocket and holding out your phone.

"H-hey...!" You squeaked out, tugging at the old cuffs that hold you together.

Once the item was brought out, the king seemed to lighten up, lifting himself from his throne and walking over. The guards seemed to cower slightly before the man with the pink hair snatched your iPhone, looking to it with curiosity. Soon, he looked to you, a small smirk now noticeable on his face.

"And what exactly is your name, hmm?"

A Medieval Meeting (Technoblade x Reader x Dream)Where stories live. Discover now