Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

I hadn't seen Draco since that moment, he was in the hospital wing. No one knows the real reason of why he is there, just that he wasn't feeling to well and Madam Pomfrey was doing everything she could. I couldn't get the image of him lying on the bathroom floor with his blood swirling in the water around him. I don't think I would be able to get that image from my head.

Harry had eventually gotten the information he needed from Slughorn. Voldemort had made what were cold Horcruxes, splitting your soul in pieces so that if you died you weren't truly dead. It was horrible one of the worst spells imaginable. Tonight was the night that Harry and Dumbledore were to leave the castle

"you be safe Harry." I said as he stood in front of me, I hugged him as I let him go he hugged the rest goodbye, lingering on Ginny longer then the rest of us.

"I'll be fine I'm with Dumbledore." He said as he left the common room.

"he will be fine won't he?" Ginny asked.

"of course he will Ginny." I replied. "like he said he's with Dumbledore and he's one of the greatest wizards around he will be fine and safe."

"why don't we all wait up in the common room together." Hermione suggested ad Ron and Ginny took up as seat and looked at me.

"I would love to guys, but can I have a quick nap, I haven't gotten much sleep recently." They nodded at me. It was the truth I hadn't slept much seeing Draco lie in his own blood.

I sunk into my bed in the dormitory hoping that it would be a comforting nap and that there would be no nightmares this time.

*I was standing outside of Uncle Amos' house but I wasn't alone standing in front of me was my father with my mother.

"will you join me child?" my father said as he held his hand out, I shook my head at him. "do I have to get Amos out here and make you choose between them?" he said gesturing towards the house and my mum.

"dad you don't have to do this."

"oh but I do daughter. One way or another you will join me, do you want to see your mum again? All you have to do is come to me if you come to me you will see her again its not that hard." I stood staring at him.

"Why are you making this so hard!" he shouted *

I jolted awake from yet another nightmare, I peered outside to see it was still dark no one else was in the dormitory so it still must be early. I walked down into the common room and saw Hermione, Ginny and Ron in the same place I had left them. Ginny smiled at me.

"nice nap?" she asked me I smiled at her.

"I think I may go to stretch my legs, I'll be back soon." I told her as she looked at me worryingly.

"you had another nightmare didn't you?" I looked at her puzzled. "I know you've been having nightmares but I didn't mention anything because I hoped you would tell us."

"is it true?" Hermione asked. I nodded at them.

"I don't want you all to worry."

"nonsense, you should have told us." Ron said.

"there my burden to bear, it's my own thoughts which are haunting me. Honestly I will be ok guys, I just need to walk alone.

"and what be alone with your thoughts?" Ginny asked.

"as mad as it sounds, Ginny yes. I need to be with my thoughts to process them, the nightmares are getting better, there barely nightmares anymore I'm learning how to change them." I lied, Ginny came over and hugged me.

"just be back before you get caught by Filch at curfew."

"of course." I said as I made my way past Hermione and Ron as they both smiled at me sympathetically.

Walking the castle at night was peaceful, as long as you weren't caught by Filch. I had been doing it for years as a way of clearing my head. I hadn't done it in a while for most of this year really. It felt good to be in the open air without being disturbed by anyone. I didn't even know where my feet were taking me until it was too late.

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