Another Note :) - Important

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Hey guys! It's been a while since my last official update and I know I post a lot of these notes, but nevertheless, I just wanted to give you all a heads up that at...

5K = there will be a little preview of the sequel to Dared To Love!!!! I'm extremely excited to release it, but I wanted it to be a special timing so help Dared To Love to get to 5K please :) Also, comment down below on what you would like to see in the sequel (relationships? endings? plot twists? new characters?). 


- When I have finished editing Dared To Love = I will start working on the plan for the sequel and work on the chapters. I have a vague idea on how I will start it, but I'm clueless on how it's going to carry on, so please send me your thoughts :) 

To make up for the extremely long wait, I have decided to host a competition just for you guys! I know school is starting up once again, and for some, it already has, so I'm going to extend the amount of time, so it's a fair on everyone but please DO NOT leave it till the last minute. 

- Competition = three things you have to do before entering; 

        1) Vote on your favourite chapters of Dared To Love (5-10 or more) . 

        2) Comment on those that need a little improving (please state what does need improving)  (5-10 or         more).

        3) Tell at least 3 of your friends about Dared To Love and why you love it.

Once you have completed those steps, comment on this update "DTL2k15" and then you can enter! I know it seems like a lot of things, but I really would like to enter this book in the Watty Awards, and I need a little help getting there; I need you guys :) 

So here are the possible forms of entry; 

        1) Draw = It can be a cover for Dared To Love, or maybe your favourite scene, it's totally up to you!

        2) Photo Editor = Same concept as above, but for those who like using the computer. 

        3) Design A Character = Characteristics, Profile, Attributes, Look, Name, Etc

        4) Create Your Own Ending = Not too long, I don't want to make any restrictions, but I'd say up to         1,000 words if not more or less. Just a little something you would expect Dared To Love to end.

    5) Other = You can come up with anything else that I haven't thought of, I'm open to any         suggestions. 

Deadline: Friday 6th March 

PM me when you're ready to enter, so if you have to send something via email, I'll give you the link. 

I know it seems like a long time, but I just wanted to give everyone a fair amount of time, seeming that school has just started and soon we'll have to prepare for exams so yeah. Enter whenever you like, I don't mind, just please don't leave it till last minute. 

Prize is unconfirmed at the moment, but suggestion what you guys would like and I'll be sure to take it into consideration! 

I probably forgot to write somethings because I kept getting distracted, but please PM me if you're unsure of the rules, hopefully I can explain them a bit more clearly on message or comment. 

Please do enter, this is just my way of giving back, even though you guys are doing most of the work. I'd be happy to vote on a few of your books, give some feedback, and provide some help. I know my writing isn't high quality, but I'm always willing to help! 

Thankyou all once again for supporting me!! I know it's been a while, and I'm extremely sorry for the wait, but I'll make it up to you all with the best sequel you've ever read. 

Thanks a ton everyone, and have a great day/night xo

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