2: Friendly Bouquet

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Di Da Dam Di Da Dam—

"Noooo... Five more hoursss..." You slurred, still languid from yesterday's event.

After the entrance ceremony, Kaede along with Riri and Fumi, clung to your side for the rest of the afternoon. You were oblivious to the heart eyes Riri and Fumi were giving you, but with Kaede and the rest of the student body, you were completely aware of the situation.

You didn't understand why they were infatuated with you. Maybe it was because of the rumors and articles about you being able to communicate and tame the Huge, but the way they were looking at you with heart-filled eyes was extraordinary.

You were unfamiliar with the term, romance. You had no romantic experiences nor even had feelings for anyone. You'd usually spend your time on video games, music, sleeping, and battling the Huge; you were quite content with the things you do now, so romance was out of the question.

Jeez, if only they made CHARMS to counter that..

It's the—

"Motherfucking Love Shot... Alright, I'm up!" You kicked the blankets off of your legs and leapt to your feet.

Holding a toothbrush in one hand and a hairbrush in another, you hurriedly put on your jeans and t-shirt. After fulfilling your morning routines, you stuffed your phone, earphones, wallet, notebooks, pencils, and CHARM into your backpack.

"Ready or not, I'm guaranteed to sleep during those lectures.."


"She's here!"

"Oh, it's (Y/N)-sama!"

"(Y/N)-sama! Good morning!"

"G-Good morning..." You responded awkwardly and left the Lilies to their conversation.

'Damn.. I didn't think anyone would be here this early.. I guess I was wrong..'

Glancing down at your schedule, you strolled down the halls to find your homeroom. Luckily, you arrived at the academy early and with no disturbances, you finally found your homeroom.

You slid open the door and realized that the teacher was nowhere to be seen. Though, what caught your sight was a brunette with two different-colored eyes; red on the left and golden on the right.

The Whisperer of The Huge || Assault Lily: Bouquet [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now