5: Effervescent Youth

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"It's... so... HOT! Why do we have to run around the block again?!" You yelled as a shaft of sunlight burned into your back. You were sweating buckets as you continued to run in the gut-wrenching heat. [F/N] wasn't any better, but the two of you held on to dear life.

"Because we... almost... set the... goddamn kitchen... on fire!" She managed to say while running on the grassy slopes. You peered over your shoulder to glare at your running partner. "We!? That was YOU! First, I warned you about it being past curfew and then you tried to cook an omelette! You don't use alcohol for that! Where did you even learn that anyway!?"

[F/N] cries out, "I was reading one of Gordon Ramsay's cookbooks, and that's what he did! It was supposed to elevate the flavor!!" You clapped a hand to your face and picked up the pace, beginning to leave the airhead behind. "I'm leaving your clumsy ass behind. Later!"

"Nooooo! Waittttt!" She started to chase after you, but ended up jogging the way, feeling faint from the scorching star above her.

You kept pushing yourself to finish this ridiculous punishment. It wasn't even your fault to begin with! You only went with her to grab a glass of water, and you didn't expect [F/N] to start a fire! So much for getting something to drink...

Your eyes lit up at the sight of a familiar building. With the energy you had left, you pushed yourself even further and plunged onto the field. "I'm... finally... DONE!" You sighed with relief.

You could hear footsteps drawing closer towards your direction, but you made no attempt or sign to move. You were too tired to do anything and laid on the ground with your face flat down.

"[Y/N]-sama, what are you doing out here?" Riri's soft and gentle voice snuck into your ears. You lift your head to see Riri standing in front of you, along with Kaede and Fumi. You rolled yourself onto your back and stared up at the trio.

"I had to run around the entire block with [F/N], but I left her behind." You shrugged, not minding your friend's struggle. "She'll be fine in the heat, though, so no worries." You finally claimed your revenge!

"Eh? Why did you do that?" Fumi raises the question, worrying for your friend. You yawned and started to explain, "Last night, [F/N] and I went into the cafeteria's kitchen. She was hungry while I wanted something to drink. Yet, I didn't expect her to start a whole fire! The fire alarm alerted the chairman and here we are... Running around the block while the sun and heat is out on full blast."

Kaede crouched down to meet your eyes. "You must be thirsty, [Y/N]-sama. What would you like to drink? I'll go get it for you." The Eurasian beamed.

"I'd like– Wait. No thanks. I don't like the idea of you spending your money on me.. It means I'll be in debt to you, so I appreciate the offer, but no thanks." You wheezed. The present dryness of the mouth and throat was killing you with thirst! As much as you wanted to take Kaede's offer, you didn't want to cause her any trouble nor be in debt to her..

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