Chapter 1

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"Has it really only been a month since the barrier was opened?"  Ruby asked.

Varian moved his tray down the food line and held it out for Cassandra put a slice of pizza on.  "Thanks Cass."  She nodded and Varian looked at his girlfriend.  "I guess it has.  Still no sign of my dad... it's great he isn't making some sort of ruckus, but it kinda has me worried..."

"Maybe he realized that he can't control you and thinks you're both just better off for the moment without the the other interfering.  I'm sure he'll stop by eventually," Ruby answered.

"Maybe, but if I know my dad, he's waiting for something..."  Varian muttered.

The two of them began to take their trays to the table where Jane and Carlos sat at.  Evie, Jay and Mal had already graduated months before.  That's when it was decided to bring in more Vks, but a month later they just brought the entire Isle.

"I'm sure it will be fine, Vari," Ruby assured him.

"I want to believe that, but it's easier said than done.  It's like it's more than my intellect telling me what my dad is doing because I think I know how he works, but it's my instinct too.  Does that makes since?"

"It makes a lot," Carlos said.

"Well, the best thing to do is probably just wait," Jane suggested.

"When he comes around, he comes around.  You probably shouldn't dwell on it or you might end up having to take those anxiety pills anyways," Ruby frowned.

"I think those pills will he the fault of my father in general, not to mention the accidents and Audrey and my History teacher... though, I don't have to worry about the latter anymore," Varian deadpanned.

"I know anxiety pills aren't actually bad, Varian, but there are side effects to them and like the doctor said, you don't want to have them unless it's necessary.  They let you turn them down, but eventually that won't be an option and the lavender stick you use at night is only going to work so much."

"Ok, I get the point," Varian sighed when Ruby finished.  "I'm getting really stressed over something that may not happen and try to live life."

"We're just concerned," she added, gesturing to the other two at the table.

"Well, the best I can do is try," he answered.

"That's all we're asking," Ruby nodded, looking a little relieved.

After Varian finished eating, he stood up.  He felt a milk carton hit his neck and its cold contents splattered all over the back of his shirt.  Students gasped and Varian shut his eyes.  So much for trying to remain stress free. No one moved for a whole three seconds and the cafeteria became a stunned silence, uncertain what to do.

Finally, Varian picked up his tray and silently turned.  "I'm not cleaning that up," he said in a monotone voice.  Then he walked to the trashcans and dumped his trash in before putting his empty tray on top.

"You just gonna walk out of the room before knowing who did that?"  someone called.

Varian gave the owner of the voice a death glare.  "I already know who did it, so don't draw more attention to yourself, Hood."

"Is that a threat?"

"It's a warning," Varian corrected.

"Bobby, cut it out!  Everyone knows it was you," Ruby picked up her own tray.  "Stop trying terrorize Varian because I'm not dating you anymore.  This isn't going to woo me over."

"I don't see what you see in Vks, Rube.  They're all the same, and all from the blood of villains.  They were raised as villains, what do you expect them to do?"

"Hope they forgive us for the prejudice of some of us, and hope that they forgive the injustice placed upon them for being forced to send their life in a dump fro crimes they did not commit.  All while we did nothing to help them when they were all obviously suffering," Ruby answered calmly. "There are good Vks, just like there are bad Aks."

"Oh, I'm sorry, are you putting me in that category?"

"No, you put yourself in there.  It's up to you whether or not you want to stay there or change it," Ruby answered softly, but the anger still burned in her eyes.

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