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I haven't talked to Luke in almost 2 weeks, and it's starting to bother me. This is the longest we've haven't spoke. I even went over to his house and neither him or his mother are home. Ever since I slept over his house that one night after the club, he's been acting strange.

"Em, did you hear me?"

I look up from playing with my fingers and see Aly staring at me.

"...huh?" I reply.

"Do you want just a tea?"

"Oh, uh yeah."

I rub the top off my nose between my eyes, and sigh. My phone vibrates and it's a text from, Nick.

Nick: "what are you doing, ;)"

Me: "waiting for my tea, you??"

Nick: "at home, I miss youuuuu"

Me: "I miss you too, would you like to
come by later?"

Nick: "I can't, going out with the guys soon, I love you baby, text you later"

Me: "I love you too."

I turn my phone off, and lean back in my chair and groan. Why is everybody acting so different with me? I turn my phone back on, and tap messages, and try to find Luke's contact, I scroll through my list and find, "Lukey Po".

I send him a quick "I miss you " and wait for a reply. Aly comes back with our drinks, and I pour a little bit of sugar into my tea, stirring it around with a spoon. My phone vibrates against the table, and I hurriedly grab my phone when I see "Lukey Po" on the screen. I jump in excitement and unlock my phone.

"Is it Luke?" Aly asks, giggling.

I smile and nod, reading the message.

Luke: "Hey Em, sorry I haven't talked to you in a while, I'll let you know what's going on and everything when I get back home tonight. x"

I look at the text, and I am lost for words. Not in a surprising way, I just don't know what to say back.

"Okay, I love you Luke." I type.

I put my phone down and sigh, I don't know what's going on with him. Aly places her hand on mine and gives my hand a sympathetic squeeze.

"I bet it's nothing bad, he just needed time that's all hun." She smiles.

I can't help but smile back and continue drinking my tea. Aly and I get into a conversation about my new job, when we hear the door to the cafe open, I look up at the door and see Michael and a girl maybe a few years older than him walk in behind him, holding hands. She is very tall and thin, she definitely would tower over my 5'6 height, but still shorter than Michael. She had bright red hair, with dark roots, pale skin and tattoos covering her skin. Michael catches my stare and waves, I kindly wave back and Aly follows my wave toward the tall girl and Mike. She turns back in my direction almost immediately of looking and slouches her shoulders. I give her a sympathetic smile and take another sip of my tea.

"Hi Em, hey Aly. " Michael walks up to us and smiles.

"Hey Mike." I kindly smile back.

Aly gives a fake smile and puts her hand up in a half wave.

"This is Jenny, Jenny this is Emily and Alison."

Jenny waves to us both and I smile.

"Well, we are going to go get some coffee, nice seeing you both." Michael kindly excuses himself.

"Nice seeing you too, and nice meeting you Jenny." I respond.

"You too, bye girls." Jenny waves.

"Bye girls." Aly repeats as she rolls her eyes.

I giggle quietly and stand, "Let's go to see a movie."

Aly stands and we both make our way out of the store, I cross my arms due to the chilly weather and we make our way towards the movie theater near by.

"What do you wanna see?" Aly asks and I look at the sign of all the movies that are being shown.

"Um, it's 1:36 now.. Is there a movie anytime soon?" I ask.

"2:30?" Aly questions pointing to the sign.

I nod and we decide to walk around the theater to kill time and we make our way up to the booth and pay for our tickets.


We decided to just see another movie just for the fun of it, and after the two movies were over we go back outside and the weather has slightly gotten warmer. It was a Saturday and the beginning of Fall, and I could almost see my breath blow in front of me.

"Those movies were suppose to be a comedies, and I didn't laugh not once at neither one." Aly blankly states.

I giggle, "Yeah yeah, you think nothing's funny Al."

She smiles and pushes my arm, making me grin. We walk to my car, and hit the alarm to unlock it, Aly gets in on her side while I start the car.

"Where do you wanna go?" I ask Aly as I pull on to the high way.

"Can you just bring me home? I have a 5 page essay I have to finish for Bio, and it's due on Monday." She groans.

I nod and drive her home, we exchange our goodbyes and I decide just to go home myself. I lock my car and walk up the steps to my house when I see a drunken Andrew stumbling around on my porch, when he catches my eye, he looks up and down at my body and smirks a hair raising smirk towards me. I gulp and back up as I see him walk drunkenly towards me.

Hey! I haven't updated in foreverrrr and I wanted to do one as soon as I could. I was very busy with school and things like that, that I totally forgot about this book. I'm going to start updating again a few times a week to make up for my absence and I'm getting interested again. But I love you! And thank you for all the reads! 😘

(btw, Andrew is Luke's father 😋)

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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