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George Found was not a popular boy. He was in fact, quite the opposite. George was quiet and reserved. He was sweet and very non-threatening. Usually these traits would be quite ideal. But George had to deal with moving to an entirely different country. New school, new home, new- well, everything. These traits would not come in handy here.

George knew he had one thing to rely on though. George loved and cherished his mother with all his heart. Momm- Mother was the one who helped him get through everything. And she would help him with this again, George was completely sure.
George used to have someone else he could trust his entire life on too long ago. But that special someone was long gone already. So far gone that the fractured memory of him was groggy and blurred. Like wisps of smoke on a cold rainy day.


George's new home was small and cozy. It had roughly painted red roof tiles and carefully laid brick walls. It had circular windows framed with a warm brown and was decorated with dainty plants. George loved it. He mostly adored it because his mother loved it. George felt safe in this house. It even smelt fresh.

But George was not as equally happy with his new school. His new school was loud and scary. Everything was about showing off. Everything was about looks and status. George did not like the new school. He did not like it one bit. That is why George did not want to go to school tomorrow. He didn't want to today either, but it wasn't like he could have avoided it.

George didn't enjoy school today. George's morning was not so bad though. Not as bad as the rest of his day. He had woken up early in the morning. He had eggs and toast, made by his loving mother. George's mother was very supportive of him when he left his cozy safe-house. Anxious, but surprisingly cheery- he had hoped for the best. But those hopes had come shattering down when he arrived.

The school was so loud. And big. And terrifying. George could not find his classes, nor navigate any of the school for that matter. George also could not manage to make a friend. Not a single one.

George came home that day feeling empty.

"How was school, honey?" Momm-Mother had asked.


George had lied. He had forged a fake smile. Feigned a merry bounce in his step. Because he could not tell Mother what he had really gone through. He just couldn't afford to see her beautiful smile drop into pitying pursed lips. George went up to his small room. Plastered on a plastic grin. And Mother had believed every second of it.

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