Chapter 37

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Two Months later 

Tyler POV 

It's finally summer time and i'm happy as shit. I felt like I was being locked down at school. It's a good school and all but I missed my Jay. I know her ass is excited that i'm coming home. She should be surprised because I told her that I wasn't coming home til Friday and it's Monday.

I pulled up in my driveway and parked the car. I got out and pulled my phone out of my pocket while walking up the driveway.

Her phone rung three times before she answered it, "Hello ?"

"Wassup Jordan ?"

"Hey Ty." I could hint the sadness in her voice, "What's wrong ?" I asked.

"You're ass isn't coming home til Friday." 

I laughed, "Did you get the package I sent you ?"

"What package ?"

"The one that I sent out yesterday."

"I didn't check the mail this morning, so it may be there. Hold on, let me check."

I stood outside the front door still on the phone. A few minutes later she opened the door shocked. I smirked at her and she opened the door, "You told me you wasn't coming till Friday."

She hugged me tightly and wrapped her arms around my neck looking up at me.

"I just wanted to surprise you." I pecked her lips, "I need to get my bags out the car."

She unwrapped her arms, "I'll help."


I was sitting on the couch scrolling through my feed on Instagram, "So what do you wanna do today ?" Jordan asked as she sat on my lap.

I saw a picture of Chris, Shai, Josiah and Cheyenne. I liked it and laughed to myself as they looked like the thug ass family. Chris had both Josiah and Shai in red bandanas around their neck while Cheyenne looked pissed.

I scrolled all the way down and skipped through some photos as I saw one that Milyn post. I forgot I was still following her. The caption read "My M babies" and it was a photo of Mell, her and the dude who i'm guessing was at the game with her. I saw another picture of some nigga but it was half his face. The caption read "Guess Who". I squinted my eyes and looked a little closer to see who the person was.

"Hello... Tyler." Jordan said, "What are you looking at ?"

She peaked over and looked down at my phone, "Why are you looking through Milyn's pictures ?" She questioned. Damn.

I was trying to think of an excuse but I couldn't get one, "I'm not even going to lie to you. I forgot that I was following her and one of her posts was on my feed so I clicked it. I know I was wrong for scrolling through more of her pics but my curiosity took over."

I watched as her forehead wrinkled as she got mad, "How would you feel if I just kept scrolling through my ex's posts on Instagram ?"

"I would fu -"

"You'd be pissed right ?"

I nodded, "So why would you keep scrolling through her pictures ?"

I shrugged not really knowing why I did it besides my curiosity.

"Tyler i'm trying to spend time with you but you've been making it really hard."

She hopped off my lap, "I'm sorry Jordan. It was just one mistake."

"But it wasn't Tyler. You always get to occupied worry about her. She's probably not even thinking about you. I've been trying to be the supportive through out this relationship and cut you some slack but you're doing too much."

She walked towards the front door but I grabbed her arm, "I said I was sorry Jay."

"And how many more times are you going to say that ?" She replied pissed, "I'm not the girl that goes by fucking words, I have to see that type of shit."

"This is all because I went through her shit today ?"

"No smart ass, it's not. You did it earlier in this "relationship" too. But like I said.. I had cut you some slack because I got how close you two were."

I sighed and slid my hand down my face, "So what you want me to say Jordan ?"

She looked at me like what I just said was unbelievable.

"Fuck it." She said and snatched her arm out my hand, "Tired fighting the same battles ..I give up I don't give a fuck nomore."

She walked out the door, "Jordan !" I called, "Jordan !"

She stopped and turned to look at me, "Just give me some time okay ? Please."

I watched her walk away with teary eyes. Once she got into her car and sped off I knew I fucked up.

Damn, I need to unfollow Milyn.




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