❈║Of Our Past & Present║❈

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Have you heard, of that recent incident that happened so long ago?

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The red piece of paper lied next to her feet as the brunette continued to stare at it as some form of curse, eyes wide and the dishevelled diary clutched close to chest.

A doll? What doll? What does a doll have anything to do with this whole thing? No wait it does actually that doesn't even matter right now...!!

Though she couldn't help but question herself; where was that doll? Who 'abandoned' it? Where was it as of right now? Could it be one of number seven's victims...?

But... Since the mysteries were a part of Deku-san's rumor, they should be connected to him too. Or were they about all of the school's wonders?


"If the mysteries are about the seven wonders, then why are there nine of them?" Uraraka thought out loud as she subconsciously continued to stare down at the mystery, "Misaki-san called Deku-san 'number nine' then why are there seven wonders? Shouldn't there be nine? Does Deku-san count as a school wonder? I mean he is one of the strongest apparition and if he is or used to be their leader then shouldn't he be a part of them as well?"

"Or perhaps they don't count him as one of them? He did say they were always avoiding him. But still there should be eight wonders of the school if Deku-san is 'number nine'... What happened here?" The brunette knitted her brows together as an indefinable uneasiness started to grow at the pit of her stomach.

This whole thing... Was yet another reminder to her that she knew nothing. She had stepped in a dark cave without a torch to show her the way around.

"Then there's this diary... I wonder who 'him' is. Not someone good that's for sure..." Uraraka sighed, "I'll just have to ask Deku-san. If he won't answer to me then I'm sure Bakugou can get out of him.... Unless he already knows that is."

The brunette eyed the red object once again before she carefully picked it up. Her brown eyes almost stuck to the words written on it, questions swarming her head increased with each passing seconds.

She stood up, sliding the mystery in her uniform jacket's pocket with the diary in the other hand.

Uraraka concluded that mysteries weren't exactly fun.

Not when you feel extreme dread radiating off sheer words that weren't even voiced by anyone yet.

She looked around; the forest was quiet, warm and safe. At least that's what she thought it looked like...

Uraraka closed her eyes, taking in the fresh breeze that passed by the trees, playfully fluttering her chocolate brown hair in the process. Her mind wandered of to the other two boys.

Bakugou's quirk may be one of the strongest she has ever seen but it was completely useless against apparitions. That meant that he was either getting in Deku's way or being used as the bait. Knowing the green head, it was probably the latter.

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