The Storm Before The Bigger Storm

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Decided to take a walk around the city after that sorry excuse of a battle with him hearing explosions nearby him thinking that this will be his only chance to get a warmup he turns towards the sound with a sinister grin plastered on his face.

Within the next couple of seconds, he has reached his destination which just happens to be a 20ft tall villain that is going on an unhindered rampage even with multiple heroes trying to stop it. Finally seeing something that could be a slight challenge he charges the being accidentally releasing a fraction of his power in excitement causing more than the villains defeat lets just say that even one punch man would be crying in jealousy.

If you somehow survived this catastrophe all you would see is a barren desert in the once-bustling part of the city. A few minutes after a news anchor and her crew arrived at the scene and the view left them in shock that the once piece of the city is just a barren wasteland with only collapsed buildings showing what it once was. 

Izuku finally arrived at his dorm being welcomed to the sight of his classmates in utter shock staring at the TV explaining his, newest exploit. Looking at the screen and just shrugging his shoulders he starts to walk away till someone grabs him from behind.

"Dude how can you just shrug this shit off people died today and you dare to just act like nothing big happened you're supposed to be a hero for fuck sake." Shouts Denki.

"They only died because they're weak so why should I not shrug it off it is just another demonstration of the strong showing what is rightfully theirs." Exclaims Izuku.

"What is really wrong with you they were heroes they save people and they certainly didn't  deserve an end like this!" Denki Shouts Back.

Izuku who doesn't even want to waste another breath on Denki walks away back to his dorm thinking Denki could be forced I mean kindly asked to give up a donation to his kind cause. Washing the thought away for later he smiles closing the creaking door behind him.

(Okay, cut to commercials wait we have none so I can't even get a small break from narrating for fuck sake. Wait we're still live? FUCK!)

The Next Day

After taking a nap that would make even Aizawa proud, he walks out and knocks on Denki's door with his trusty finger gun pointed at the now protruding head from the door who has a fear-stricken face remembering the video of the tests and last time when Izuku came to his dorm to borrow his headphones.

"W..what do you want?" Asks Denki in a whimper.

"Oh we are going door to door asking great souls like you to donate to our noble cause which is to help the great lord buy some lunch and other shit." Exclaims The Lord Of Badassery Izuku radiating a holy light and clearly waving the finger gun slightly to make sure Denki knows it is not a choice.

Lets just say it didn't take that much pain I mean asking nicely to get a hefty donation for him aka one $10 gift card for a random toy store but at least it meant Izuku didn't lie about knocking door to door. (A/N:Lock Your Doors Kids Keep Him Away I Will Try To Vanquish The Demon *Knocks In The Background* Oh Fuc..... "Hello Sir We Need A Donation For The Lord"...k)

Whistling cheerfully ignoring the glares of hate from his fellow classmates especially Momo who was brought to an ATM as she was such a kind soul giving up her whole bank account for Izuku's wonderful cause. Smiling at his new lovely patrons he starts speaking,

"Thanks for donating to our cause of getting me some Lunch and maybe a better bed as I never sleep enough (A/N: Just some context here he slept through the whole school day.) so again thank you." This great speech was welcomed with disgusted looks and deepened scowls, which seemingly went unnoticed by Izuku.

Luckily Aizawa could witness The Lord deliver his great speech as he had some news about a future field trip which everyone reading this knows all too well.

"Class, listen up tomorrow we're going to a facility called the U.S.J don't be late and goodbye." With Aizawa now crawling away in his cocoon.

Izuku who was still complimenting himself for his wonderful speech to his new followers he walks away to buy some lunch with his well-earned money.

(A/N: Sorry for not releasing a chapter sooner just been thinking of new ideas)

PS: I need an idea for a new story please give me your guys opinion  

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