Going In

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"AHHH!" they yelled back, seeing my lamp and battle stance.

"Oh, sorry guys." I paused, contemplating the situation. "Wait, why are you guys back already? This isn't a dream, right?"

Gogo rolled her eyes and responded,
"No. It's real."

"Oh. Well..."

"We got kicked out," Hiro said, flopping down on the couch, defeated.

"What? How? I thought Gogo hacked you in and got a fake invite," I said, confused.

{a/n just so ya'll know, i turned off autocorrect and everything so i can relearn to spell 😑 so sorry if there are any errors...}

"Yeah, those guys who kidnapped you recognized us, and threw us out."

"Wow. I can't believe this," said Hiro.

"Hey, it's okay," I said, sitting next to him.

"Not it's really not. This was our one chance to bust them."

"I'll go," I said, standing up, trying to be heroic, only to find that my knees were weak, causing me to fall back onto the couch.

"Oh no you're not," said Hiro, shaking his head.

"I agree. I mean, just look at you! You can barely stand!" said Wasabi.

I opened my mouth, trying to think of something courageous to say, but I ended up just closing it.

I guess I'll just have to leave when they aren't looking.

"Well I'm tired..." I said, faking exhaustion.

"Let's get you off to bed," said Honey, followed by Hiro.

I curled up under the covers, trying to keep my eyes open.

"Night, Caramel," said Honey, eyeing Hiro on the way out. I saw her mouth to him, don't you try anything. I'm watching you.

I coughed and Hiro sat next to me.

"Hey," he said, looking at me sadly.

"Hey," I wheezed.

"Look, I'm sorry about everything lately. We haven't really had time to just be... kids."

"You hardly ever act like a kid with you're bajillion IQ," I said, laughing.

He looked hurt at first, but then started laughing. I could tell I hurt him.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. You know I didn't," I said, pleading. I don't ever want to hurt him, ever. He doesn't deserve it.

"It's fine," he said, smiling sadly at me.

{a/n i just got an idea!! if i made a book of fluffy Haramel (hiro and caramel. or is it Ciro? you guys decide) one shots, would you all read it??}

I yawned, and he smiled, saying goodnight.

I brushed my hand on his before he left, feeling guilty for what I'd said.

As soon as he was out of the room, I jumped out of bed and quickly pulled on my peach colored dress. I braided my hair as quickly as possible, and grabbed a large white purse. I put one of the shape shifting jumpsuits in, some money, and a fake invite.

I grabbed a pill from off my dresser and ate it, hoping I would be okay at the dinner.

I opened the window, climbing onto the fire escape outside. I quickly ran down, and headed for the adress on the invitation.

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