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"Jesus Christ! Where are those two when we need them?!"

Daimeng angrily dialled both Xiaotang and Yu Yan's number respectively but both have been directing towards their inbox. Keran could only sigh as she looked at Lin Fan staring at Shuxin's unconscious body lying on the hospital bed.

"I'm worried about Shuxin." Lin Fan says. "I mean, she's trapped into something she never wanted. Her memories were even taken away from her."

"We all are, Lin Fan." Lingzi says. "Shuxin deserves something better than this."

"If that Zhang Yujian didn't show up, none of this would have happened." Yuxin spat out angrily. "We could have done something to stop Yujian but I don't know why the hell we froze up in the spot."

The children of major stockholders of both the Yu Group of Companies and of the Zhao Industries looked away guiltily. Keni shook her head.

"You protected Shuxin and you were there by her side to support her on that very moment, and that's enough." Keni says. "Knowing Shuxin, she appreciated that much."

"But still-"

"No buts, Yuxin." Keni says. "Trust me, you did what you could. Things just didn't go your way. And it's too late to turn it to the outcome you want. Now stop blaming yourself."

Jiaqi entered the room with Sun Rui and Zihan. "We got a word with the doctor, the reason why she fainted is due to shock."

Daimeng grunted at the side. Jiaqi turned to her. "I still can't get a hold of Yu Yan and the bastard." She says, shoving her phone back into her pocket. "Where the hell are they?"

"Try calling Auntie Yu and Auntie Zhao, they probably knows where the two are." An Qi suggested and Daimeng immediately complied.

The black haired defense specialist dialed Mrs. Zhao's phone number and placed her phone into her ear and waited for the woman to pick up the call. Minutes later, Mrs. Zhao did picked up the call.

"Daimeng! It's been a while since you called! How are you, sweetie?"

Daimeng smiled. "I'm fine, Auntie. We just  been busy with practice. How about you?"

"Aiya, I'm having troubles with Xiaotang. She went home drunk stupid." Mrs. Zhao complained over the phone, making the player raise her eyebrows in surprise.

"What? Why?"

"It's about Shuxin again. I heard Yu Yan and my daughter arguing a while ago as I passed by her room since I asked Yu Yan to take Xiaotang upstairs. I heard Yu Yan went out on a date with Shuxin today in a ice cream parlor, Xiaotang probably saw it and became jealous so she thought drinking beer might solve her problem."

"Ah that idiot really." Daimeng rubbed her  forehead with annoyance. "Look, Auntie Zhao. I have been calling that idiot for a few times already but she isn't answering her phone. Do you know where she is?"

Mrs. Zhao hummed in thought. "I know she hasn't left her room. She is still probably in her bathtub since I heard the water flowing while they argued."

"How about Yu Yan?"

"Yu Yan left a couple of minutes ago. I don't know where she went."

"Goddamnit." Daimeng muttered under her breath and Mrs. Zhao heard it and so she warned Daimeng to watch her language. "Sorry auntie. Its just that- ugh, we have been trying to call them because Shuxin was brought to the hospital."

"What?! What happened to my favorite daughter-in-law?!"

"She fainted, Auntie. Due to shock."

"Oh good Heavens! I'll pull Xiaotang out of her room! Is she confined in An Qi's  hospital?"

"Yes, auntie."

"Okay, we'll be there in fifteen minutes!"

Mrs. Zhao dropped the call in a hurry. The defense specialist turned to her friends with a shrug.

"Well that was easy."

"What did Auntie Zhao say?" Lin Fan asks, turning away from Shuxin.

"Xiaotang was holed up in her bathtub, drunken stupid. Yu Yan left minutes ago before I called."

"Now what the hell is Yu Yan up to now?" Keyin grumbled under her breath. "This is getting more complicated that it was before, I need milktea."

Yuxin agreed silently. "We still don't know why Shuxin fainted though." Zihan says. "Who was she with before she left the school?"

"I was." Xueer answered, her gaze looked up from the floor. "But I ditched on them because dad called me, he needed me back on the office."

"I guess you don't know huh." Zihan pouted a bit and everyone went silent.

The silence in the air remained for a long time until Sun Rui perked up from her seat, probably realizing something.

"Wait, we forgot one person. Her driver."  Sun Rui says. "He was the one who brought Shuxin here and alerted us of what happened to her. Maybe he could tell us."

"Sun Rui, you smart son of a bitch." Keni exclaimed, placing Sun Rui in a headlock as she ruffled her hair. "Alright team, let's talk to that man."

"Wait, wait." Lingzi stopped everyone before they could even walk out of the room or something. "Who'll handle Yu Yan?"

Xueer thought of it for a moment until someone's image formed in her mind. "I have someone in mind." She smiled.

In the silent part of Shanghai, Yu Yan was actually sitting on the hood of her car on a parking lot near the mall that overlooked the river. In her hand was a can of light beer, she can't afford getting caught drunk by the cops so this was a better choice.

Apparently, her belongings were inside the car so she didn't noticed that Daimeng was trying to call her multiple times in the span of an hour. She was too preoccupied with the argument between her and Xiaotang until someone lightly hit her in the head.

"I have a hunch I'll find you here." Zhuoyi says with a smile. "Daimeng has been calling you non-stop but she wasn't able to reach you."

"What does that Diamond want from me?" Yu Yan asked annoyingly, Zhuoyi sat down beside her.

"Guess I need to tell you what happened then."

"What do you mean?" Yu Yan looked at the cheerleader with a frown.

"Shuxin was rushed to the hospital, she fainted due to shock. We don't know why she did."

Yu Yan immediately stood up. The can of beer falls into the ground with a thud with the cold beer spills into the pavement. The opposite hitter pulls Zhuoyi inside the car, she hits the ignition and sped away from the place.

Xiaotang meanwhile arrives at the hospital with her mother on tow. She immediately rushed to Shuxin's room and she found Keni sitting alone as she stared Shuxin's sleeping figure.

"What happened?" Was the first thing the setter said. Keni looked up.

"You might wanna calm down first and sit down. You wouldn't like it."


Author's Note:

Hey there, RikuTerra here.

I'm forgetting that this is Volleyball au due to the angst, so I'mma focus on it on the next chapter. Haikyuu characters anyone on the next chapter anyone? I'll see you on the next chapter and leave your thoughts on the comments, it would help me improve the story. Ciao!

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