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"Hey, Shuxin?"


"Fall with me?"

There goes that smile; that alluring smile that made her heart race countless times. Shuxin kept her gaze on Xiaotang as she stared back at her.

"Of course. From the sunrise until we get crazy."

How could she forget all of these beautiful memories? Zhao Xiaotang was there with her all these time; she was her best friend, her number one fan, her prince, and very own her fiancée. The person she swore to fall with into the depths of god knows what. But aside from that, someone very prominent stood on the sides.

"Hey, Shuxin?"


"If I burned down in Hell, would you burn with me?"

"Of course, I'd burn with you. How could I let my one and only Yu Yan be lonely in Hell?"

Yu Yan. Her knight in shining armor, always ready to throw her fist if someone tries to lay their hands on her. If Xiaotang was the calm waters, she was the burning fire. A lot of people misunderstood her because of that, but in reality, she was just over protective of people important to her.

Zhao Xiaotang.

Yu Yan.

I'm sorry.

They were the only ones she thought of as the car she was currently in flipped. The things around her slowed down, as if she was in a movie. Shuxin caught a glimpse of hef driver in the rear view mirror, his eyes worried for her, despite death knocking at their doorstep, he still put her at his priority. She could clearly see that she mouthed an apology but he shook his head, giving her a smile.

Shuxin turned to the car that started it all. She could see it very clearly, as if she was a superhero. The driver had a frightened expression and he was clearly crying. Behind him was the man she loathed to her core, Zhang Yujian, with a menacing smile.

Fuck you, Yujian. Why did you drag an innocent man into your schemes? Why are you doing this anyways? What do you want from me? From us?

The driver was still trembling the moment the roof of the car hits the road, the strong impact forced it to flip over multiple times, flunging her out of the car including her driver. As the car slowly tumbled into a stop, Shuxin was numb all over her body, she was sure she was bleeding cause she could see her own blood decorating the pavement beneath her.


Yu Yan.

I'm sorry.

And everything faded into black.

Shuxin gasped awake, hot tears still trailing her cheeks. The dim light of the room she was in made her vision adjust. No one was inside, only a bunch of tools. Shuxin felt the restraints in her wrists and feet, bounding her into the chair she was sitting on.

"Goddamnit." Shuxin muttered under her breath. "God fucking damn it." She tried to get free but the knots were tight. Tears continued to fall from her cheeks.

On the other side of China, Xueer was going crazy. The police force was already in Mr. Yu's company and was still trying to pin point the exact location where Shuxin was brought by Yujian.

"Hey, calm down Xueer." Yuxin placed her hand on Xueer's shoulders. "We'll find them. Shuxin is a smartass, she can get herself out of that situation."

But of course, Shuxin can't get out of the situation she's in. Guess Yuxin was wrong on this one. Her tears kept falling into her lap as she tried to break free but to no avail. Xiaotang, Yu Yan, save me.

And just like instinct, Xiaotang and Yu Yan felt shivers on their spine. Xiaotang lost control over the ball, making it out of reach for Keyin to spike as it fell outside of the court. Earning a point for their current enemy, Fukurōdani.

"Oi, Xiaotang!" Keyin screamed. "What are you doing?!" Akaashi looked over to the setter and noticed that she was clearly in distress, far different from the state she was in before receiving the phone call. "They're on their match point!"

Akaashi then turned his gaze towards the opposite hitter and saw she was also acting the same was as the setter. I guess the phone call was pretty bad. They couldn't concentrate well enough. If they keep playing, their team dynamics is going to fall. He thought.

"Keyin, shut up." Keni warned which Keyin immediately complied on. The captain went to the setter's side and Sun Rui went into Yu Yan's. Keni then signalled to the referee that they needed a break which he allowed. "I'm sorry to postpone the game so suddenly, Bokuto-san, Akaashi-san. But I hope you'll understand something has gone wrong and we need to fix this immediately before resuming the game."

"It's okay, Zeng-san. I'm pretty sure your players needed it too." Akaashi answered before Bokuto could even form sentences in his head. "Take the time you need."

Keni nodded before ushering her whole team outside of the gymnasium. Akaashi's gaze remained in the group until he was snapped out of it when Kuroo, Daichi, and Sugawara approached him.

"That's strange. Their setter was totally in the game until now." Kuroo says, crossing his arms. "But I am convinced she could rival Kageyama."

"Well in terms of being calm during and out of the game, she's way better than Kageyama. But skills? They are on par." Daichi says, taking a drink from his water bottle. "Her form is perfect."

"What's her name again?" Sugawara asked.

Kuroo hummed. "The captain mentioned that her name was Zhao Xiaotang, if I'm not mistaken."

Back in China, Shuxin groaned. "I need to get outta here." Shuxin muttered as she tried to wiggle out of her bonds. "I need to tell Xiaotang."

The door creaked open and revealed Yujian with a smirk Shuxin wanted to erase so badly by punching her hard in the face. "Good morning, princess!"

"Fuck you."

"Still feisty, Yu Shuxin." Yujian chuckled as he approached the cheerleader. "How you feeling?"

"Nothing you should know of."

Yujian chuckled darkly before slapping Shuxin across the cheek. "Listen here, I'll make it quick for you." He says as he tucked his hands into the pocket of his pants. "I'm giving you two options; one, marry me and I will spare Yu Yan and Zhao Xiaotang. Second, you disagree and you'll get to see the two of them die."

"What?" Shuxin felt her heart stop. "You would not do that."

"Oh, I definitely will." Yujian smirked. "You can't stop me. Now choose, Yu Shuxin."


Author's Note:

Hi hello, I'm back. Just temporarily.

I found a bit of time to update this fanfic. Don't worry, I'll still update this once I got the time and I hope you'll understand. Also, @/DYHT_Aus on twitter is now being handled by an admin! So I hope you'll welcome her warmly!

Anyways, RikuTerra out.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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