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The group had managed to get two rooms. They decided to split it up between the girls and the boys. Sasha and Mikasa said their goodbyes before going into their room. The boys went into their room and Connie immediately collapsed on the bed.

"Of course there's only one bed" Eren groaned "Great. So who's bunking with Connie?"

"I can sleep on the floor" Armin shrugged "I don't mind."

"So I get the bed" Eren grinned.

"Hold up" Jean stopped him "Why don't I get the bed?"

"Maybe you should. You do need beauty sleep horse face" Eren teased.

"Why you-"

Armin stepped between them "I'm stopping this before it goes any further. Just do rock, paper, scissors."

"Fine" Jean said.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

Jean pulled rock and Eren pulled paper. Eren let out a cheer and Jean groaned.

"Have fun on the floor horse face" Eren laughed before lying on the bed.

"Don't punch him" Armin immediately said after seeing Jean's angry face.

Jean hesitantly stepped away from him and grabbed the quilt from the bed. He lay it on the floor and lay down, his hands crossed over his stomach.

Armin gulped before laying down on the quilt as far away as he could from Jean. After the Romeo and Juliet incident he worse around Jean than he had ever felt. The feeling in his stomach increase and his face flushed more.


Armim tensed even more "Yeah?"

"I like Romeo and Juliet" Jean smiled at him softly before his eyes fluttered closed.

Armin held his breath as he watched Jean. His heart clenched as he did so. This feeling he felt whenever he was around Jean was something he had read about before. He had seen it described so many time but... it was never between a man and a man. This wasn't right but Armin couldn't help it. He had fell for Jean without warning.

This was going to kill him.

The next day the group decided to go to the market because Sasha was raving constantly about it. They left their rooms and started walking through the market casually. Armin did everything he could to stay as far away as possible from Jean. He didn't like being away from him but being with him probably hurt him more.

They were sitting around a fountain eating bread they had got in the market and chatting.

"Damn today is way colder than I thought it would be" Connie complained "And of course I left my jacket in the rooms."

"I could get it for you" Armin offered.

"Are you sure?" Connie asked.

"Yeah it would be no problem" Armin smiled.


Armin got up from the fountain to leave but was stopped when Jean said "I'll go with you."

"Uh that's oka-" Armin fumbled.

"I don't want you walking around alone" Jean said.

"Jean's right Armin" Mikasa said "Let him go with you."

Armin tried not to look nervous and continued to walk back go to the rooms with Jean at his heels. They eventually got there and went into their room. Armin scanned the room and say Connie's jacket on the floor. He picked up and went to leave the room but Jean grabbed his arm.

"Armin wait."

Armin's arm slumped against his grasp "What?"

"Did I do something wrong?" Jean's expression was filled with sadness.

Armin stepped back in shock. He hadn't realised that he had been hurting Jean.

"No. Why would you think that?"

"Because you've been avoiding me since the library" Jean explained.

Armin looked at the ground, not sure of how to defend himself. Jean dropped his arm.

"Armin I didn't mean to freak you out" Jean said sincerely "but I feel like I'm being dishonest with you right now."


"Armin I really like you" Jean confessed.

Armin's eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat. This didn't make sense. Jean liked Mikasa. This was a joke, a prank Jean couldn't feel- he wouldn't. Then why was Armin's heart racing.

"I'm sorry. I know it's weird but it's the truth. Whenever I'm around you I feel like I'm about to explode. I'm never as scared when I'm with. You make me better."

Armin blinked at him "Jean-"

"Armin I care so much about you and I wanna be the Romeo to your Juliet" Jean faltered "but without the death."

Armin gulped "Jean do you want me to be honest?"


"I really like you too" For a moment Jean's face lightened but once he saw Armin's expression he frowned.

"What's wrong? That's good isn't it?" Jean smiled "It's mutual."

"No Jean" Armim shook his head "this can't work."

Jean's eyebrows creased "Why not?"

"Because you have your whole life ahead of you Jean" Armin said, exasperated "You deserve someone you can marry, have kids and grow old with. I can't give you that."

"But I don't want that Armin" Jean replied and stepped forward "I want you."

"You wouldn't have me for long" Armin said referring to his limited life span.

"Armin we're scouts! There is no guarantee of a future for any of us" Jean defended "Every moment we spend contemplating this is moments we could he spending together."

"Jean you shouldn't think like that. You're going to survive and you'll be able to settle down. You don't need me for that."

"I do need you Armin" Jean gently held Armin's hand "You're my rock, my light even if you don't realise that. Please give this a chance, give us a chance. You even said I can't let the worlds circumstances dictate my happiness. Don't let it dictate yours."

Jean gently squeezed Armin's hand. Armin jerked away quickly, Connie's jacket falling to the floor.

"I- I'm sorry" Armin rushed out before sprinting out the door and down the paved road.

Jean didn't deserve this. He deserved so much better.

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