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This was it.

They were heading towards god knows what. The boat had been loaded all that was left to do was to start sailing. Yet no one had made the move to start. This was just another leap of faith. A dive into the unknown. Everyone was petrified. Sailing meant this was really happening. They were actually doing this.

Armin sat on the boat's side, his legs dangling over the edge. His mind was blank. He refused to let himself think. He knew if he did he would begin to imagine what he was about to face, what could become of him and his friends, what could become of Jean.

Oh god Jean. That relationship was doomed before it even started. They both knew it. They knew it was only a matter of time before it would come to end. Armin didn't know if it was foolish or brave to still peruse it. He guessed the latter.

The books Armin had read. How had they described love? Like falling, like getting struck with a bolt of lightning, like nothing you had felt before. Craving their love, their attention, wanting to be with them every second.

Armin had to say he disagreed. He hadn't been struck like lightning he began to love Jean gradually. As time went on his love grew unknown to him. It wasn't obvious, it wasn't clear to him that he loved him, it was revealed over time. It wasn't perfect.  Being in love with Jean was like a hot Summers days. You revel in the sun, let it's warmth consume you, let it make you feel at home and safe. But if you aren't careful you'll get burnt, you'll be hurt and only time will tell if it's something that may be mended.

One thing Armin agreed with was that he would do anything he could to protect Jean. That's what Armin had in common with the love interests from his books. Armin would go through hell and back to keep Jean safe. As he looked out onto the sea Armin though he just might have to.


Armin twisted to see Jean standing behind him. He propped his elbows against the wood were Armin was sitting.

"What are you thinking about?" Jean asked.

Armin realised he had let himself think "Nothing."

Jean smiled at his hands "Whatever you say darling."

A silence passed over the two. It wasn't awkward but I wasn't comfortable either. There was something lingering in the air preventing that.

"Are you afraid?" Armin finally asked.

Jean looked at him "Deadly."

Armin's face softened and he lifted his hand to cup Jean's cheek.

"Don't give me that look" Jean laughed "Who wouldn't be afraid racing into the unknown? Of course I'm scared but I know I'm gonna be okay."

"And why's that?" Armin questioned, lazily rubbing his thumb against Jean's cheek.

Jean placed his hand against Armin's that was cupping his face and kissed his palm "I have something worth fighting for, someone to protect, a reason to come back alive."

Armin smiled "Funny, I've got the same thing."

"Mhm small world" Jean chuckled.

Armim leaned in and their lips connected. They savoured this sweet kiss. Perhaps they were already sharing one of their last ones. Neither knew what lied ahead but they had a reason to keep fighting. A cause other then defeating the titans to give their hearts to. They had given their hearts to each other and they weren't going back.

Let's hope these lovers have a happy ending.


So that's the story! I hope you all enjoyed this Jearmin story. There is a serious lack of it on Wattpad I've noticed. Let me know what you guys think!

Thank you so much for reading
Peace out ✌

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